It was in the mid-afternoon and it was breezy and beautifully normal day in Tenebra. Two miles away from ēna Bātalim City in the middle of a mercenary training grounds classified as the Biting Vipers Mercenary Company. Scarlett N. Atkinson was sitting on a wooden chair and sitting by her food for that day while looking at her sword in her hands. Zachery was right next to her on the ground looking around seeing what everyone is doing and noticed all these other demons preparing the female and male mercenary tents in opposite corners of the area. However, he noticed some of those demons pointing at Scarlett N. Atkinson and laughing at her for how worthless she is in this Mercenary Company. Scarlett was too distracted with the taut of what she had to do to stay alive and was intently looking at her weapon. [color=f6989d][i]”Father, why does it always come to this was there a reason for me not to be a part of a Mercenary company?”[/i][/color] Scarlett thought. The Contractor sighed at Scarlett’s lack of awareness, while he looked at her from a distance close to where he was talking to one of the hotshot mercenaries and he outright disrespects Scarlett N. Atkinson. He shows his teeth at the hot shot and tells him to work on his sword training combination with his dark magic. The contractor slowly walks towards Scarlett and he notices Zachery from a pretty long distance away since the shadow imp is easy to spot and he sighs again. Scarlett looks up at the contractor and stares at him slightly curious. He grabs her arm tightly, picks her up off the chair, and laughs at her beliefs. [color=8882be]”Scarlett what would have happened if any of these other hot shots would have killed you were you sat but you are quite worthless in terms of killing anything,”[/color] Contractor Belfast said. Scarlett was worried at why he said this certain thing. Belfast looking in Scarlett’s eyes throws her on the ground hard since he was angry at Scarlett’s unawareness. The Scarlett Rose was right next to her slightly dimmer since Scarlett wasn’t touching it but it was still glowing a faint color of blue. [color=f6989d]”S-Sir Belfast, what are you doing?”[/color] Scarlett asked scaredly. Belfast looks directly at Scarlett and sighs at her inability to understand what is at stake here in these Mercenary training grounds. [color=8882be]”Trying to teach you some proper survival of the fittest but you are utterly worthless you won’t harm any of the other races on Tenebra even though that is the law of the land,”[/color] Contractor Belfast said. Belfast kicks Scarlett in the chest with a smirk on his face since he always wanted to kick her but his father warned him not to do that under any circumstance mostly the harming her part. Scarlett coughed up blood from being kicked so hard and she faints from it since her fear of blood is extreme, which is one of the many reasons why she is a worthless in being a Mercenary. Zachery’s eyes gleaming and were slightly pissed off at Contractor Belfast for kicking his master in the chest so hard, where she coughed up blood. [color=39b54a]”Contractor Belfast, why must you be so cruel to a girl who lost her family only two years ago,”[/color] Zachery said in a different language, which only the older demons understood him. Belfast looks directly into the eyes of Zachery the compassionate shadow imp and laughs at his worry but was shocked, which was the rumors were true. [color=8882be]”So it is true then, Nick no longer lives I was wondering what my father was telling me about Scarlett’s situation,”[/color] Contractor Belfast said, [color=8882be]”So who finished him off?”[/color] The curiosity in Belfast’s tongue was apparent while looking at Zachery but he said the last part in a different language similar to Zachery’s language. [color=39b54a]”What would you choose if you had the choice of life or death?”[/color] Zachery asked in a different language, which only the older demons understood him. Contractor Belfast looks gently at Scarlett N. Atkinson and he was slightly saddened since he enjoyed the company of the Atkinson Family. He snaps his fingers in a similar ring to his daughter's acknowledgement of him snapping his fingers. His three daughters who are the same age as Scarlett N. Atkinson walk up to their father and the Mercenary commander and Contractor. [color=8dc73f]”Dad what[/color] [color=6ecff6]do you[/color] [color=f49ac2]want now?”[/color] His daughters said in unison. Belfast looks at his daughter's happily since they are his pride and joy but he got serious for a bit. [color=8882be]”Daughters I would like you to take Scarlett N. Atkinson to the Female Barracks, which is a tent and wake her up from her little fear since she needs to be awake for mail time. I hope Percy hurries up that damned demon and I need to talk to Zachery for a bit,”[/color] Contractor Belfast said gently giving his daughters orders. His three daughters nod in agreement about their orders and help up Scarlett and the one, which is free picks up the Scarlett Rose and walks towards the Female Mercenary Tent. They lay her in the empty bed, which is Scarlett N. Atkinson’s Bunk in the Mercenary Training Camp. They wake her up with a kiss on her cheek while standing over the bunk bed, which Scarlett is laying on. In the Female Mercenary Tent, Scarlett opens her eyes and sees Sasha, Jenny, and Rachel standing over her looking at her with a smile all on their faces. It was only like a few minutes later, when she did wake up after the kiss on her cheek. [color=f6989d]”W-What is going on did I faint again?”[/color] Scarlett asked scaredly and holding her chest with her left hand since she was injured by their father. The three girls sigh a bit at Scarlett’s lack of awareness but they aren’t as mean as everyone else in the Mercenary Training Grounds. [color=6ecff6]”Yes, your fear of blood is a horrible thing you know that Scarlett I guess that cannot be helped since this is the only real reason, which is holding you back of being a proper mercenary,”[/color] Jenny said kindly, [color=6ecff6]“Even though the lack of wanting to kill anyone even under orders usually doesn’t help either.”[/color] Her two other sisters were a little bit more restrained in telling the truth since they were told if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all. Scarlett was blinking at this scene since she wonders where her Zachery is. [color=f6989d]”What happened to Zachery also what did your father asked you to do?”[/color] Scarlett asked oblivious to what these three want to do for a bit. She did notice the Scarlett Rose, however since it was in plain sight leaning on the bunk bed and it was in its seethe still. The three girls around her were blushing and sighed that Scarlett is playing hard to get. [color=8dc73f]”You need not to worry about your pet, he’s talking to our father since they need to talk about[/color] [color=6ecff6]something important I guess and Mail time will be[/color] [color=f49ac2]soon since Percy is late as usual,”[/color] Belfast’s daughters said in unison slightly annoyed but blushing too. Scarlett gets up out of bed and wants to go outside to see what they are talking about even though she probably won’t understand them both. Jenny stops Scarlett from getting outside of the tent and gently pushes her back on her bed. [color=6ecff6]“Come on Scarlett stop being difficult,”[/color] Jenny said a little annoyed. Meanwhile, near the picnic tables where Scarlett was at until she was rushed off to the female mercenary barracks, which is a tent. Belfast sits on the chair Scarlett was sitting at and looks down at the angry little imp. [color=8882be]”So what’s wrong Zachery?”[/color] Belfast asked in a language, which only the older generation of demons could understand. Zachery looks at Belfast who was sitting down. [color=39b54a]”That is simple, why didn’t you listen to your father?”[/color] Zachery asked in a language, which only the older generation of demons could understand. Belfast shrugs his shoulders but looks up and notices a very large winged demon coming in, and it was Percy finally. The winged demon looked somewhat like a hawk but much larger compared to one and he landed right on the ground. [color=0076a3]“You suck Zachery taking care of a worthless girl,”[/color] Percy said cruelly and loud so the female barracks can hear him. Percy got up from the ground and landed on the Table, which Belfast was at and slowly morphed into a slightly smaller demonic hawk. Belfast looked directly at Percy and was angry at his pet. [color=8882be]”Shut up Percy, what mail do you bring?”[/color] Belfast asked Percy angrily. Percy shrugs his wings and drops about eighteen different pieces of mail, one is specifically addressed to Scarlett N. Atkinson and Belfast raises and eyebrow. [color=0076a3]”This letter, which is addressed to the worthless girl is from Universitá dei Maghi, a strange school for her to go to since she is worthless,”[/color] Percy said cruelly again. Belfast raises his hand to Percy and smacks him off the table hard. [color=8882be]”Can you stop pet, or do you want me to unseal your true form again?”[/color] Belfast asked. Belfast looks directly at the tent and snaps his fingers loudly. [color=8882be]”Mailtime for all people in the Biting Vipers Mercenary Company and that includes you Scarlett N. Atkinson,”[/color] Belfast said loudly in a very serious and ordering tone of voice. Scarlett heard the order of mailtime and his three daughters allowed her to go outside to see what is the fuss is about since no one has ever given her mail for the 26 years of her entire life. Belfast salutes everyone in the Biting Vipers Mercenary Company and everyone salutes back at him. [color=8882be]”Scarlett N. Atkinson come up here and receive your mail,”[/color] Belfast said. Scarlett walks up to Belfast and notices the envelope with a seal she has never seen before on it but it has her full name on the front of the envelope, Scarlett Nina Atkinson. [color=f6989d]”S-Sir B-Belfast what is this and why is it for me?”[/color] Scarlett asked curiously. Belfast sighed gives the letter to Scarlett without hesitation. [color=8882be]”It is for your future, if you need a ride, all your stuff is already in the trunk of my car, the Biting Viper Super Muscle car or you could have it said, your destiny,”[/color] Belfast said happily. Scarlett was slightly weirded out when he said her destiny or her future since it is all crazy, she can tell it was a heavy envelope. Scarlett walks away from everyone and Zachery follows her to the favorite tree, she likes reading books or other things. However, she was weirded out that Belfast took everything she had in the inn of her father’s already unless he knew she would be a student. Zachery was worried about, what the letter will say. [i][color=f6988d]”Why am I been given this opportunity and no one else?”[/color][/i] Scarlett thought somewhat depressingly. She opened the letter and it had the school’s name on the top of the letter Universitá dei Maghi. The letter says, [i]”If you are reading this letter then that means your first step to realizing your dreams and hopes will be found in Universitá dei Maghi and you will try to protect everything you care about. However, you need to unlock your true Atkinson’s roots of magical prowess at this school, since your own father wanted you to join the Universitá dei Maghi when you were 18 years old but you wouldn’t understand the lessons you would be taught here until now that is,”[/i] the letter pauses for a bit. Additionally the letter adds, [i]“P.S. Scarlett you better start learning how to cast dark healing magic, your mother was highly adept at casting it, another thing you're striving for many things, which your mother’s soul would love you to do, finally your choice of staying alive you will soon regret.”[/i] Scarlett starts to cry at the regret part, she already has regretted her choice but she had no choice in the matter and it literally threatens her life. She probably understands, which is if she doesn’t go that is going to be a bigger regret and her lively hood will be at stake, where she will die to all the people who despise her. She looks at Zachery and sighs at the fact of this letter means the end of their peaceful existence. Zachery sighs slightly since he thinks she isn’t ready to go to Universitá dei Maghi right now. [color=f6988d]”I-I can see why Belfast said, it is my destiny to finally be aware that everything doesn’t revolve around me,”[/color] Scarlett said trying to hold back her tears but her sword starts glowing multitude of colors on her back. Belfast walks up to her and doesn’t want to know what the letter said but he wonders what she wants to do, since all it will take is 22 minutes to drive straight to the Capital City. [color=8882be]”Mercenary Number 556 Scarlett N. Atkinson are you ready to go to the Capital, I will drop you off nearest to Universitá dei Maghi,”[/color] Belfast said kindly. Scarlett stands up too quickly, falls right into the arms of Belfast, and holds her head. He helps her to stand up perfectly. [color=f6988d]“Y-Yes sir, I guess you can call me Student Scarlett from now on,”[/color] Scarlett said kindly with teary eyes. Zachery turns into a shadowy blob and goes towards the Parking Lot of the Biting Vipers quickly, and showing off. Scarlett and Belfast walks towards the Parking Lot, and Belfast unlocks the door so the Shadow Imp and Scarlett can get into the car. The Shadow Imp opens the Rear passenger door with the Shadow Bind spell, he learned from Nick, gets into the car, and dispels it too. Belfast was surprised at Zachery showing off his magical prowess too, he does have the same but weaker spells than Scarlett anyway. Scarlett walks to the passenger side door, opens it, sits down and buckles up for the ride to the university. Belfast opens his side of the door and sits down in the driver side and looks directly at Scarlett and gives her a wink, without her noticing him doing that since she was looking directly at everyone who was waving her goodbye expect for Percy. She waves at Belfast’s daughters. [center]-= [The Departure] =-[/center] The Car starts up with a fury of millennia of worth of building this one vehicle since that what Belfast was worked on for most of his life. The car pulls out of the parking lot quickly and gets on the central road towards the Capital City, which is called ēna Kristāla City. He was driving 60 miles per hour towards the Capital. Scarlett was watching while the trees was going really fast by and it did definitely take only 22 minutes to reach the Capital City with time to spare, he stops on the side of a road, near a building called the Rubicon Museum, which is exactly five minutes away from Universitá dei Maghi. Belfast looks at Scarlett and sighs. [color=8882be]”It is your stop Scarlett, you better get out before I take you to my home,”[/color] Belfast said jokingly. Scarlett looks at Belfast with a shock to her system but she giggles at him. [color=f6988d]”T-Thank you sir I am going to enjoy the walk can you help me with my stuff though?”[/color] Scarlett asked Belfast with a smile on her face. Belfast pops open the trunk and laughs at her. [color=8882be]”I did what I had to do, get you here and pop the trunk,”[/color] Belfast said. Scarlett unbuckles her seat, opens the door, walks to the trunk, and grabs her clothes bag and her wooden figurines bag too and she can tell everything is accounted for since she looked in the special compartment for her family picture before she was born and it was there. She was wearing her cloak right now and her imp was besides her already, somehow. Zachery was a little bit more useful than other shadow imps were. Scarlett got on the sidewalk and starts to walk towards the Universitá dei Maghi, and even though she is new in the Capital City. Belfast in his car shuts all the doors and the trunk with some unique magic and drives off in the direction back to ēna Bātalim City and where the Mercenary Training Grounds are. It was slightly later in the day on Tenebra and she noticed Universitá dei Maghi’s gate is opened by some strange coincidence unless, it was awaiting for her to arrive, which would be strange but it could be someone already got here before her. She walked through the gate’s entrance, her imp followed through without any problems, and she saw the beautiful courtyard, which has multitude of different color of buildings and a beautiful looking statue in the center of it holding onto six gems, which seem sealed for some odd reason. However, one of the structures catch her eyes since it feels familiar and yet different since it doesn’t look like any structure on the continent of Tenebra, it was a Onyx stone building but something in the back of her head was telling her not to approach it. [i][color=f6988d]“This school is much more beautiful than Dark Born Academy and different I have no idea why that is,”[/color][/i] Scarlett thought to herself and just stood with her gaping mouth at the beauty. She slowly walks towards the Nymphe statue just at awe at this beauty and she falls down on her face since she wasn’t watching where she was going and fell on the ground. Zachery face palms at the fact Scarlett trips herself and fell on the ground hard. [i][color=39b54a]”God damn it, Scarlett, you are going to give me a heart attack one of these days,”[/color][/i] Zachery thought quietly to himself in a language, which Scarlett couldn’t understand anyway.