[hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ruthalia%20Tro%27liant%20Hert%27yas%20Morphento&name=QUIGLEYW.ttf&size=35&style_color=B33900[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/d7bf4643275eff07ffaee12a48a2db8d/tumblr_nt4zeeM3ku1snhpyjo1_500.gif[/img][hr][b]Interacting with:[/b] The Help [/center][hr] Her fingers drummed lightly on the desk top as her eyes continued to watch the monitors that displayed the various states of unrest in the key areas. She did not want to miss a moment or an opportunity if it could be helped so when General Drax bust through the door causing some substantial damage, she merely sighed and shook her head. That robot was going to be the cause of some serious headaches further down the line. Pleased that her orders were being carried out promptly and efficiently, Ruth began to relax some and began to drum out a beat; one one, two two, three four and five. No one should be this relaxed in such a situation, but Ruthalia was. The only thing that could make this moment more relaxing were if she had a line of slap-ees lining up and awaiting to feel the graceful presence of her hand on their skin at full force speeds. One could dream. She was soon brought out of her daydream by the voice of the fearful assistant. [color=B33900]“Fabulous. For carrying out your work so efficiently, you will not be the next person that I slap today! Good for you.”[/color] She gave a dazzling, albeit crazy, smile before she continued her drumming beat. Alas, it was short lived as the more resentful of the two assistants quipped in soon after she had begun. [color=B33900]“But of course! This is [i]precisely[/i] why these measures are in place. But thank [i]you[/i] for sticking to the regulations. You have also been awarded slap-munity for a short time. Congratulations! You’ve earned it.”[/color] The fact that the second assistant had stuck so stringently to the guidelines placed him in a slightly less dark light than Ruth previously put him. She decided to call the fearful one Glen and the resentful one Coco. Team Glen Coco. You go Glen Coco. [hr]