[center][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/wolves-mercy-falls_zpsoeaetpwr.png[/img] [b][h3][color=black]Pl[color=red]o[/color]t[/color][/h3][/b][/center] [color=lightblue]Yes, this Literate Role Play is mainly based off the books 'Shiver', 'Linger', and 'Forever', by Maggie Stiefvater. At one point, when first introduced to the series, I was obsessed! I read the first book three times and the middle and last ones twice. I'm really hoping someone other than myself on this site has read the series.[/color] [b][h3][center][color=black]The C[color=red]o[/color]ld[/color][/center][/h3][/b] [color=lightblue]Changes us. Makes us.. something we never once imagined we could become. Not our "normal" selves. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, gnarly even, but it's true. It takes away our skin, replacing it with a ruff, warm and bristly fur. During that time we stay with our pack, our only family and friends in the woods beyond any form of civilization. We wander into their yards every so often for their trash, barbecue, and unfortunately in [i]rare[/i] cases, their pets. There's no way to avoid or to hide from it. We have to shift...more or less, transform in the freezing cold, our muscles tensing and fighting the change, bones cracking and renewing themselves to create our new forms. We become.. [i]wolf[/i].[/color] [b][h3][center][color=black]The Warmth[/color][/center][/h3][/b] [color=lightblue]The time we are who we were born to be. We stay together, usually.. unless one of us doesn’t change on the normal schedule. We live among the normal ones - humans.. in our safe home, waiting in agonizing fear for the cold to turn us back into the things we dread most. We have to live with it, though. Dodging those rare, 'normal' ones who recognize us from our previous life in the woods, trees, and cold. We stay secretive, venturing out for food, and very seldom, our favorite places. In the warmth, we become what we once were.. [i]human[/i].[/color] [b][h3][center][color=black]The Shiver[/color][/center][/h3][/b] [color=lightblue]We stay together, biting and changing few. Some come to us, out of instinct, who are like us. Our families have rejected us, keeping us away from them. We all fled to somewhere safe. With our new family, the pack. Our old life is gone, our new one replacing it all too quickly for comfort. We can’t help killing the ones not like us occasionally, we don’t like being hunted for sport or going hungry. But sometimes.. we ruin lives. We hate it, but we do. We bite the ones not like us, making them.. [i]us[/i].[/color] [center][b][h3][color=black]Basic [color=red]O[/color]utline[/color][/h3][/b][/center] [color=lightblue]You were once human, and you got bit by a Werewolf. You didn’t know they were what they were.. until you felt like crap, getting flu like symptoms.. Then, actually changing into a wolf on and off, no matter the temperature. Your families rejected you, and you found the one who changed you, deciding to stay with them where you come to realize you kind of belong. Among your own kind. [i]Pack[/i]. You’re a wolf when its cold out, below 50 Degrees F. But when you go into a warm house, a warm building, or its above 50 degrees out, you turn into a human. This is not completely like the book, and only those of you who have read it will know why. xD The thing is, when your a wolf, your hair color doesn’t matter, only your eyes and personality are passed from your human form to your wolf form. No, when in wolf form you Cannot talk to each other! But, you can send each other mental images of whats going on around you, and you can sense each other’s feelings and have an [b]amazing[/b] sense of hearing and smell. For example, you can tell the type, and speed of a car on a distant highway from your enhanced hearing. Any questions? Ask me, please![/color] [center](P.S- The Werewolves [b]do[/b] have a house they go to, owned by a wealthy werewolf - also can be seen as their Alpha. They don’t go there in winter, they usually just stay in wolf form during that whole time. They also have a shed in the woods with extra clothes, supplies, and other stuff for when they come back from a change.)[/center]