[center][h1][b][color=9966cc]Jamie Wolfe[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12558936_880928978672661_961591212_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MDgxOTg2MTI5NDE4MzU1OA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] [hr][hr] It looked like it was James' lucky day, what were the odds that Cheese-Steak would have landed not the place Jamie had just been talking about? [color=9966cc]"Well would ya look at that, I'm one lucky motherfucker,"[/color] He said with a smug smile. The next order of business appeared to be carpooling, hmm, decisions decisions. He was gonna have to take a [i]hard[/i] pass on driving with Theo. James wasn't a huge fan of sausage-fests, and four guys would probably lead to butting heads anyways, too much testosterone. Wolfe spoke up again, [color=9966cc]"I'd take the r8, but I can only fit three people comfortably and that third person has to be like, Lizzy or Ada size. So uh, dibs on shotgun in the Kia!"[/color] Jamie said this with a goofy grin on his face, both sets of teeth showing. Cass piped in shortly after, and damn, she had a beautiful way with words. "Man, fuck a beach," Cass said, practically dismissing the general vibe of the room, turning her head towards James for the moment. "It's not like some California tail is any different than the girls you leave behind here. Well, they won't know you so that might actually work out in your favor. Unless I swoop in and woo them away from your little ass." James pointed both index fingers excitedly after she spoke, in a "you're very correct," manner. [color=9966cc]"Exactly! Plus, a lot of girls around here have flat asses and I'm ready for a change ya know? I heard white girls are evolving over there, well their asses at least... And is that a challenge?"[/color] Jamie had a mischievous look in his eyes. [color=9966cc]"When we get to Sacramento, you and me, will have a little competition. Whoever gets the most numbers wins eh? You already have the advantage, you get to hit on both genders, you lucky bitch."[/color] [color=9966cc]"But anyways,"[/color] he began, changing topics once again. [color=9966cc]"We could all try and cram into the [i]bitchin'[/i] Camaro? Dibs on being a lap boy if we turn the Camaro into a Mexican road trip."[/color] He joked, but as he was talking he realized Lizzy had been getting quite upset. She kind of freaked out a little but recovered fast, her level-headed persona couldn't compromised that easily could it? [color=9966cc]"Jeez Liz, it'll be fine. Be cool like the Fonz and let's get this show on the road."[/color] He gave her two enthusiastic thumbs up.