[center][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/nina-dobrev-beach-boy-boys-Favim.com-631637_zpsm1oome6e.jpg[/img] [url=http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/tumblr_mbdwrwdUQ11rfxbsjo1_1280_zpsr4l4naqd.jpg]2.0[/url] [sup]Face Claim: Nina Dobrev[/sup] [hider=A Photo of the Monster Lurking Beneath] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/4c216a8eb8_102343763_o2_zps5kpuh8ei.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”[/i] –[b]Edna St. Vincent Millay[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pQo9OQlIB8]Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17VudJ6lr4k]Here Comes Goodbye by Rascal Flatts[/url] [hr] [b]Full Birth-Given Name[/b] [color=lightcoral]"My name is Davina Marie Devereaux."[/color] [b]Preferred Name // Nickname[/b] [color=lightcoral]"Most just call me by 'Dav' or 'Davina', whichever works for them."[/color] [b]Sexual Orientation & Gender[/b] [color=lightcoral]"I'm a heterosexual female. I mean, I'd hope I was.. I'd question where the hell the kid came from if I was lesbian."[/color] [b]Years Since My Birth[/b] [color=lightcoral]"24 years. Feels longer, though. When the change hits, the moment we come back into the world as our own selves, it feels like a lifetime has passed us by while we're stuck in our other forms."[/color] [b]At What Age Were You Turned?[/b] [color=lightcoral]"I was turned at the age of 19, shortly after I'd had my son, EJ."[/color] [b]Pack Standing[/b] [color=lightcoral]"Pack Alpha."[/color] [b]Also Knowing[/b] [color=lightcoral]"Since having EJ, turning and separating from his father, I've stayed away from attempting to have an emotional relationship. The occasional lay is nice, but I really don't like taking the risk of having sex with someone with the possibility that I could scratch them too hard while in the heat of it all and ruin their lives for good. It happened to me once, with Nathan, and I can't allow it to happen again with a human. I probably ruined his life."[/color] [hr] [b]Your Other Half[/b] [color=lightcoral]"I have a 5 [sup]1/2[/sup] year old son, his name is [url=https://shechive.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/cute-kids-5.jpg?w=500&h=556]Ethan John Bradley[/url]. He mostly stays with his dad, [url=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000ztcAzC07pU0/fit=250x250/fill=/g=G0000jWaT41fd69o/I0000ztcAzC07pU0.jpg]Jonathon Paul Bradley[/url], but comes to see me every now and then. Usually stays with me during Summer, then stays with his dad for his schooling."[/color] [b]Family Members Affected by the Shiver[/b] [color=lightcoral]"My mother, brother, and son. Our father was the one who affected [i]us[/i] with his curse. He brought this on me, now my boy has to deal with the loss of his mother at a young age, one of these years to come. Too soon."[/color] [b]Kids with Fur[/b] [color=lightcoral]"My buckskin, [url=http://www.doubletquarterhorse.com/uploads/1/2/7/7/12777751/8834602_orig.jpg?346]Cisco[/url] and a little rat by the name of [url=http://img.allw.mn/content/r3/uz/l3kud7nj.jpg]Stevie Rae[/url]."[/color] [hr] [b]Who Turned You and Changed Your Life[/b] [color=lightcoral]"My father turned me. During his last change when he had no control what-so-ever of his other self, he bit me before he ran off and I never saw him again after that. Greatest 'goodbye present' ever, right?"[/color] [b]My Life Before the Shiver Overtook Me and How It Effected Me[/b] [color=lightcoral]"Before the shiver curse ever entered our household, everything was peaceful. I spent the first 2 1/2 years of my life an only child, and then Dak came along. Our father never treated us any differently, and always made sure we knew no one of us was favored over the other. Mother, on the other hand, seemed to care more for me than my poor brother. She tried to hide it, but Dak began to catch on when he became older. Our father went off on a hunting trip with his childhood friends, including my Godfather, Uncle, and some well known family friends who came around the family home often for parties and small get-togethers. While on said trip, Daddy got viciously attacked by a wolf. Once home, it began to take hold of him. Mind you, this was back when Dak and I were only 6 and 9 years old, we had no idea what to think of the events unfolding before our innocent eyes. The first winter he turned, we waited 3, almost 4 months thinking he was never going to come back. Of course, he did, though. Daddy tried keeping it from Dak, due to Dak's inability to keep his mouth shut about anything, no matter the importance. It lasted another 6 years, till I'd turned 15 and Dak 12, when mom left and dad broke down. I suddenly took on the responsibility of taking care of both Dak and my father, who constantly tried to get himself to change to his other form so he wouldn't have to deal with the pain of his wife leaving him in such a time of need. I spent the next 4 years having an anything but normal teenage life, taking care of my young brother, taking on the responsibility of being the 'bread winner' in the household as soon as I was able to get a job. Our godfather played a huge part in our lives, housing and feeding us for the most part. I insisted on paying him with rent, and it worked out fine, till one August night while I was visiting daddy at his ranch a few months after EJ was born for a weekend ride. The night hadn't gotten much colder than 62 degrees, but dad was restless like he usually was before a shift. I had doubts, knowing all too well daddy's shifts had been longer, and his time spent in his own skin was growing shorter and shorter every time. We'd gotten into a discussion about mother and tears flowed from both sides. I got up from the kitchen counter to go wash my face, and as I was doing so, I'd heard a terrible crash come from the living room. Thinking daddy had just gotten into a fit of saddened rage, I went to comfort him only to find torn clothing and blood streaking across the floors. From behind the couch, I could see his eyes staring back at me. My heart dropped to the floor when I realized his teeth were bared, because somehow when he was in his other form, he seemed to be aware who his friends and foes were. Apparently, it wasn't so, this time. I was cautious, but not cautious enough. I opened the back porch doors and stepped clear out of his path, but he wouldn't budge from behind the couch. I chased him out from behind the couch where he retreated to the kitchen. Finally, I'd had enough and grabbed our catch pole from the living room closet. Returning to where I left the dark beast, there he still remained. I loosened the noose at the end and moved in warily, quickly jabbing out the pole and fastening the wire around his neck. His strength was almost overwhelming, and it took everything in me to stay there instead of dropping the pole and taking off like I wanted. He struggled, and he struggled hard. I managed to pull him out and away from the kitchen all the way to the doors of the back porch, holding him there. Suddenly we were in a standstill, staring into each others eyes. Hot, thick tears poured over my face as I realized I wouldn't see him for a long while. And even then, when he'd return, he'd lose a little more of himself each time. [i]Who was I really getting back, in the end?[/i] Catching me off guard, he began to struggle again, this time catching his back paw against my [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/beinghuman/images/9/97/Sally_gets_scratched.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140305030350]upper thigh[/url], tearing through my skin with ease. At that moment, I dropped the pole which also loosened the noose that held him and it was then that he ran off through the property and into the woods behind it. I spent the rest of the night there on the floor, where I'd collapsed to my knees as soon as I'd realized what happened, until my Godfather showed up with my brother a few hours later when I didn't return home. I had been sitting in a small pool of my own blood for a good two to three hours. Dak and my godfather helped me get cleaned up, and the week following I'd called out from work to say I had to attend a family funeral because I was too afraid I'd begin changing uncontrollably at work. I had Dak lock me away downstairs in the basement until I no longer was changing from form to form. As soon as I returned to the human world, I began taking care of the family business but shut it down a few short months later I put it to a halt and sold many of our horses, and even some of our land along with most of our livestock. During my first winter, I'd turned some guy who'd been too far out of city limits where I'd attacked him. Hungry and scared for my life, I had no idea how to hunt for food and was learning as I went along. My other half demanded food, and he'd been all alone. The more humane part of me stopped mid-attack and ran away to find what I could. When I [i]did[/i] finally return, I'd found the kid and talked to him about what it meant to be who he'd become and how it all worked, even offering a home and a job but he declined. Said he'd figure out how to handle it on his own. He was kind of an asshole, and I'd remembered soon after I stopped regretting attacking his snobby, punk ass. Every now and then I check up on him to be sure he's keeping out of trouble. Found out not too long ago, he turned some girl at a party. I've been waiting for her to turn up, but haven't heard anything. I even talked to the kid, but he said he didn't know a thing about it. I wish we had some twilight-shifting quality, to us. I'd have turned and torn him limb from limb till he told me.. but alas, things can't work the way we want all the time. Very few wolves have turned up, but some have even come from out of state looking for refuge. I don't know how far this 'wolfblood' community extends, but apparently word travels. I've since taken up the position of Alpha in our pack, mainly because I'm like Mother Hen to the rest of the wolves. I personally don't think anyone else could take over Alpha who knew what was best for the pack and in what ways to take care of them, to make sure our secret didn't leak out to our human neighbors, friends and family. Dak and EJ's father are the only exceptions, because Dak has grown into the type of person who'll keep a secret, and on the terms that he doesn't end up like me. Jon would never let my secret slip. He's a good man, that way.. just as he is with our son."[/color] [b]How Some People Might See Me[/b] [color=lightcoral]"I hope people see me as a fair per-... a fair being." Davina's lips form a thin line as she averts her eyes to the floor for a moment before staring back up again. "I try to be as fair as possible when it comes to the pack and the few people [sup]non-pack related[/sup] who work on the ranch, every now and again for maintenance work that I'm unable to do. My brother says I've got a real big heart and that I'm the most caring person he's known, which sadly isn't saying much because Dak never has had many close friends. Neither of us have, really. Couldn't. Seems almost as if the universe wouldn't allow it. However, I'm quite friendly and approachable. I try helping out where I'm needed and do things the right way the first time, I don't like doing things a second time if I don't have to. I get things done as quick as I can. In all reality, I don't think I'm the best speaker. Occasionally I'll get caught up on my words but can usually get my point across. My favorite [i]human[/i] pass-time is going out to the tree house at the edge of the property to read my paperback books. I'm a total bookworm! Can't resist the scent of a fresh book. Is that weird?"[/color] [b]Standing Before a Mirror, I See[/b] "..." [hr] [hr] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/Logan-Lerman-logan-lerman-12909717-433-553_zpsjt56taws.jpeg[/img] [url=http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/12900000/Logan-Lerman-logan-lerman-12909998-433-650.jpg]2.0[/url] [sup]Face Claim: Logan Lerman[/sup] [i]"Pain is a part of life. Sometimes it's a big part, and sometimes it isn't, but either way, it's a part of the big puzzle, the deep music, the great game. Pain does two things: It teaches you, tells you that you're alive. Then it passes away and leaves you changed. It leaves you wiser, sometimes. Sometimes it leaves you stronger. Either way, pain leaves its mark, and everything important that will ever happen to you in life is going to involve it in one degree or another."[/i] –[b]Jim Butcher[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaYcRxYia14]Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCSMCgqlc-0]I Drive Your Truck by Lee Brice[/url] [hr] [b]Full Birth-Given Name[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Dak Kaidan Devereaux, at your service."[/color] [b]Preferred Name // Nickname[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Just keep it simple. Call me Dak or Kade."[/color] [b]Sexual Orientation & Gender[/b] [color=lightgreen]"I'm a dude who likes his women."[/color] [b]Years Since My Birth[/b] [color=lightgreen]"21 years. Fell just a few short months of 22, but oh well. I'll get there during the pack's next turn."[/color] [b]Pack Standing[/b] [color=lightgreen]"I'm basically the pack's 'Keeper', in a sense. My sister is the Alpha, now, and my father before her. Davina and I used to be the keepers of the pack, till she got scratched by dad when she mistakenly cornered him which forced his wolf to lash out. I still rank fairly high without actually being a wolf."[/color] [b]Also Knowing[/b] [color=lightgreen]"When I'm not helping out with Pack issues and the Ranch, I [i]do[/i] go to college. It's just community college, but I take night classes there."[/color] [hr] [b]Your Other Half[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Haven't been in a real relationship since the first girl I fell in love with. It's mainly just been me having fun. I tend to take the girls to the treehouse since the house is filled with the ranch help or the packmates. I don't have my own kid, personally, but when EJ is over and Davina gets held up with Ranch or Pack issues, I watch over him. I think I'm a pretty decent uncle. I love that little booger."[/color] [b]Family Members Affected by the Shiver[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Well, our father was first infected with [i]it[/i]. He was on a hunting trip back and got bit. He put the beast down, unknowing of what it was, then the changes started. This was when we were young, too, in which I was too young to really understand and was kept at bay. It only lasted a good 10 years before he had his final summer with us. I'd only been 16 at the time he left. Before he did officially leave, though, he managed to infect my sister with [i]it[/i]. Our mom. Ha. She wasn't around for very long, and even before she left, she hardly payed attention to me.. She stuck around until I was 12 and just suddenly disappeared. Dad wouldn't tell us, and I knew better than to press the issue."[/color] [b]Furry Friends:[/b] [color=lightgreen]"I take care of all the horses on the ranch, so technically I guess they're all mine. As for my own animals, I've got a black rat named [url=http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/intelligencer/2013/02/06/26_rat.w529.h529.jpg]Rephaim[/url]."[/color] [hr] [b]My Life Before the Shiver Overtook My Family and How It Effected Me:[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Davina can explain the few years that made up our childhood years. As for after mom left, I turned towards smoking pot on a nearly daily basis and occasionally drinking with some friends at school. Once Dad disappeared and I found out about the 'family secret', I sunk further into my funk but it didn't last long. Both John [sup]our godfather[/sup] and Davina had a [i]very[/i] stern talk [sub]and Davina may or may not have slapped me around (literally)[/sub] and I stopped drinking but kept smoking pot on an every other day basis. I have a tendency to bring home random girls for sleepovers [sup]if you catch my drift[/sup].. a lot. What can I say? I'm a man. A creature of habit. I've made a habit of staying out of trouble and keeping myself occupied with the company of beautiful girls."[/color] [b]How Some People Might See Me:[/b] [color=lightgreen]"People would probably classify me as kind of a douche upon first meet-and-greet, but once they get to know me, they'll come to realize just how right they were. Through my douchey-ness though, I can be a real softy. I have no tolerance for bullying, due to the fact I went through it in my younger years. I sometimes get attached a little too soon and come off kind of strong, but know how to keep my distance when need be. I've got a slight anger problem, and sometimes fly off the handle at stupid shit, but that's the real, main reason why I took up smoking pot. It levels me out, and keeps me from diving into my bipolar behaviors. When high, I usually just keep to myself and snack on some major munchies, and occasionally get in a good lay before I just die, passed out for the night. Just a heads up, I'm probably a more easy-going, fun-loving person when I'm high." Taking a moments pause, Dak looks up with a soft edge in his eyes. "I love my sister to pieces. She's the closest person that I have in my life, and I dread the day I'm going to lose her. By my calculations, she's only got around 5-6 more years with me. For my sister, I'd do honestly anything. I'm very protective of her, even if she's quite capable of taking care of herself [sup]and then some[/sup]."[/color] [b]Standing Before a Mirror, I See:[/b] [color=lightgreen]"Shit, did I break it?" A smirk spreads across Dak's face as he rubs his hand over his jaw, looking back up. "If you could see me, and a picture of my father when he was my age standing side by side, you'd think we were the same person. Except my hair. My dark brown hair is long, hanging down just passed my ears and long enough to cover up my forehead. Got eyes as dark grey as a cloudy sky on a rainy day, full lips and a 'medium-ish' rounded nose. I stand at 6'3" and weigh roughly 198 lbs of all lean muscle. I have a few tattoos and a forearm full of self-harm scars that I'm not too proud of. Other than that, there's nothing to really know. Unless you want to know my d-" Dak gets stopped mid-sentence by Davina who walks passed him with a swift smack upside his head. [i]'Shut up, Dak!'[/i] she growls at him as she walks off, Dak meeting eyes with the 'interviewer' trying hard to contain his laughter. "Uh, yeah. That's it."[/color] [hr] [hr] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/large_zpsuy6pygcv.jpg[/img] [hider=A Snap of the Beast Prowling Beneath] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/b8c1079b01091957531881b072c7ea66_zps57rc5sf1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]“Sometimes being too nice all the time is dangerous, you have to show your hard side once in a while to keep from getting hurt.”[/i] –[b]Unknown[/b] [i]"I love when people underestimate me. Seeing the stupid expressions on their faces after they see what I can really do is fucking priceless."[/i] -[b]Unknown[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z3gkq_gWL4]Simple Man by Lynard Skynard[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1UYq5t7Jsc]One Call Away by Charlie Puth[/url] [hr] [b]Full Birth-Given Name[/b] [color=gold]"Seamus. Seamus Dempsey."[/color] [b]Preferred Name // Nickname[/b] [color=gold]"It's pretty simple. People just call me Seamus or Dempsey. Whatever they choose, I don't care, really."[/color] [b]Sexual Orientation & Gender[/b] [color=gold]"Male. I don't really care to be any one specific thing.. I live in the moment."[/color] [b]Years Since My Birth[/b] [color=gold]"It's been just short of 21 long, miserable years since I was brought into this damned world."[/color] [b]At What Age Were You Turned?[/b] [color=gold]"Well it was less than a few months ago, I'll tell you that."[/color] [b]Pack Standing[/b] [color=gold]"Most likely bottom bitch."[/color] [b]Also Knowing[/b] [color=gold]"I'm originally from Ireland, so I sound much different than my new American pack members. I've traveled to the US before with my parents on business matters, so I know how to use their terminologies and whatnot."[/color] [hr] [b]Your Other Half[/b] [color=gold]"I was in love with a beautiful gal. Unfortunately I left her behind in Ireland. I haven't forgotten her, even have a picture of her in my wallet.. I'll probably never see her again, and I think I'm okay with that. I'll never actually be able to love her the way she deserves."[/color] [b]Family Members Affected by the Shiver[/b] [color=gold]"No one in my family was directly affected. My parents knew I wanted to come to the states again, I'll tell them when the time comes if I decide I want to stay here. Most likely will have to make up some story of me going missing and later find 'my' body. I won't be coming back to them either way, Dav explained the curse to me. We don't get to be ourselves after roughly 10 years of jumping back and forth between skins. Not particularly happy about it, but I don't have a choice."[/color] [b]Furry Companions[/b] [color=gold]"I don't much like animals. I can deal with them if necessary, but would rather stay away. I'm allergic to fur, [sup]yes, hilarious I know[/sup], and can't own a pet of my own unless it's hypoallergenic."[/color] [hr] [b]Who Turned You and Changed Your Life[/b] [color=gold]"Well, it was believed that the last wolves were killed off in 1786. Apparently, history didn't know about [i]these[/i] wolves. It was a chilly morning in Belfast.. I was on a run, and was attacked by a wolf. Not too long after, the shivers began. I spent a full week not knowing which reality was mine and which was the beasts'. A rumor came about that there were humans who turned wolf stateside, so I decided to come out here in hopes someone could help me out. I found Davina, and the rest of the gang about a week and a half back. I've been here ever since, and don't know when I plan to go back home or if this will be my permanent home. If I went back, I'd probably be hunted down. Wolves are not very welcome in Ireland."[/color] [b]My Life Before the Shiver Overtook Me and How It Effected Me[/b] [color=gold]"My life was pretty cushy before I was attacked. I lived in an upscale side of town and had plenty of money to stay comfortable without actually having to work, but I still went out and got a job. Just about anyone who was anyone knew who I was. My parents were high up within the Catholic church, and we did business with a group of people who reside stateside. I traveled to the states quite a bit my parents while they dabbled in their businesses. I used to love coming here, even though I [i]love[/i] Belfast, I enjoyed my time stateside. As far as after I was turned, I didn't spend too much time in Dublin before I came to Minnesota to find the Devereaux pack."[/color] [b]How Some People Might See Me[/b] [color=gold]"People? Hah. I really don't care what they thing, honestly. People love to do a lot of talking, but can't ever back their shit up. I don't take it. I'm not one to really take too much sympathy either. For me, I was raised to [i]get up, dust your ass off and keep moving forward[/i]. I don't cry or whine about the shit I'm put through. I handle my business and get it done. You'll come to realize I don't talk very much, nor do I really keep eye contact with anyone. I've got a bad eye, due to a bar fight I got into a year back.. I keep a sash or a patch over it. That's really my one and only insecurity, is my eye. In reality, I don't have many friends, but that's my own doing. I tend to keep to myself and avoid being around others because a lot of the people I've grown close with in my life have either left or died. Through everything else, I'm quite compassionate and love deeply, just from a distance. I am, and always have been, the great protector. I was hoping to get a possible Omega position, but I found out from Dak that the position has already been filled. I think I'd have made a good Omega, possibly even a Beta. I like to keep the peace."[/color] [b]Standing Before a Mirror, I See[/b] [color=gold]"I'm around 6'2" and weight 173 lbs. I rarely ever look into the mirror, honestly. Constantly looking in the mirror makes one anxious of one's self. I don't want to be said person. However, recently I did catch a glimpse.. my beard is starting to grow out. I've let it go since the turn, haven't much cared as of late. My hair is a dull golden brown, as is my beard. I lost my right eye a year ago in a bar fight with a scar that extends down the side of my face in a jagged half-moon shape. My eyes are brow, like copper against honey and sage, and when they water they glow. Perfect little orbs, the same shade as nature after it rains. I have two tattoos on each of my forearms [sup][url=http://poptattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/forest-tattoo-design-2015-300x256.jpg]1.0[/url] || [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d2/f4/6c/d2f46c9fb4e1bfeff920cac7c62311c8.jpg]2.0[/url][/sup]and wrists [sup][url=https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-07/3/10/enhanced/webdr05/grid-cell-31887-1435935341-2.jpg]1.0[/url] || [url=http://cdn.theglow.com.au/app/uploads/2015/09/bekah-depression-tattoo.jpg]2.0[/url][/sup], one on the back of my [url=http://wholeaddictiontattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/NightsWatch.jpg]neck[/url], and another on my [url=http://tattooimages.biz/images/gallery/amazing_head_of_a_man_and_a_crow_tattoo_on_chest.jpg]chest[/url]. There's also a piece running down my side that reads, 'Ní thuigeann an sách an seang.', which translated to English means 'The well-fed does not understand the lean.', basically meaning the wealthy and healthy will never understand the poor and weakly/sickly. Due to my eye being fecked, I wear a [url=http://img06.deviantart.net/6173/i/2011/226/3/0/leather_steampunk_eyepatch_by_drocan-d46ja2i.jpg]patch[/url] over it."[/color] [/center]