[center][h2][color=teal]Jarvis Hugo Moore[/color][/h2] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/jamie-wise-by-cesar-perin-high-18_zpsgeqjbylu.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/jamie-wise-by-cesar-perin-high-18_zpsgeqjbylu.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Jarvis had known Jarek for majority of his life. It was the reason he could put up with his erratic behavior so well; he was used to it, had adjusted to it at a young age, and grew to accept Jarek for the way he was. Knowing Jarek for such a long period of time made Jarvis notice things other people just didn't about the teenager, or made him capable of handling Jarek at his worse when others couldn't. They were two odd peas in a pod, so completely different yet somehow fitting together. Maybe Jarek forced two of the wrong puzzle pieces together because that was something he would totally do. Either way, Jarvis wasn't going to complain, because he had the patience of a saint, and it showed around Jarek. To be honest, Jarvis couldn't imagine a life without Jarek in it. Jarek had become a fixture in his life, a constant, a force that was always there and never left, and Jarvis didn't want it too. Because he had known Jarek for nearly all his life, he could easily pick out the inflections in his voice, know just what mood he was in, or about to be in, from his tone alone. So, when Jarek called Ada princess, he didn't bat an eye, because Jarvis knew he meant it in more of an endearing way rather than a condescending way. Even, Ada [i]was[/i] a princess; a take-no-shit-strong-and-beautiful princess. It was what Jarvis loved about her. Obviously, the geeky teenager had a thing about being attracted to opposites... depending on how opposite the opposite was, of course. Jarek was probably as opposite as opposite got when it came to Jarvis. Yet, when they were kids, and Jarek had stolen his blanket during nap time and Jarvis just gave a careless shrug and said they should just share it, they had become inseparable. Even Jarvis' dad teased him about it. "Always Jarvis and Jarek, never just Jarvis, isn't it? Always the Jars." he'd tease and it never ceased to make Jarvis blush or give a half-hearted retort. Jarvis wasn't embarrassed of being bestest best friends with Jarek, far from it. He just got embarrassed when it got pointed out because yeah, they were oddly close, but Jarvis didn't want to have it any other way. Jarvis always felt pride swell in his chest whenever he got Jarek to laugh. Which, he got him to laugh a lot, because he knew how Jay ticked and knew what buttons to press (no, Jarvis wasn't talking about the buttons on his jacket either). No matter how many times he got the other boy to laugh though, it always put a smile on his face, that pride evident in the twinkle in his eyes. Jarek had a way of getting laughs out of Jarvis, too, and his threat to "accidentally" drown him made him give a laugh, though it was less vibrant than Jarek's own, more quiet and breathy. "[color=teal]Okay Jay-bird,[/color]" he said, rolling his eyes with lingering amusement in the blue-green depths, "[color=teal]I'll believe it'll be an accident and won't haunt you... [i]too[/i] often.[/color]" he and Jarek were always having some sort of back and forth, it was just their [i]thing[/i]. If they weren't having a back and forth, or one wasn't making a playfully snide comment, there was something seriously wrong. When he caught Jarek's eye after bird-watching, and saw the sincere smile that broke across his face, it made his own smile grow in intensity. Jarek had the tendency to have that effect on him; Jarvis wasn't usually one for loud reactions but Jarek just made him forget about his own boundaries that he put on himself, his own fears and worries, and he could just [i]breath[/i] around the other teenager, let the stressful thoughts that swirled in his head leave at least for a while. He let out the smallest of chuckles when Jarek leaned in from Jarvis' gentle tug. Jarek always played along with his games and it always made Jarvis feel special, like someone would always understand him and accept him. Sure, he could get that feeling with Ada, but Jarek was... Jarek. Jarvis felt like Jarek was a part of him, be it from how long they've been friends or how well they clicked, it didn't matter. All he knew was that Jarek felt like an extension of his own person and he felt like he couldn't live without that extension. However, his smile dimmed at Jay's eye-roll at his question. Jarvis did have a tendency to fret over Jarek more than anyone else, just because of his strong connection with him. Jarvis mother-hen'd the boy, not that Jarvis would quite call it that aloud. He just worried about his best friend, and didn't want anything bad to come of him. He was always trying to watch out for him. It could be tiring and stressful, sure, but again, Jarvis had the patience of a saint and always managed to keep his own negative emotions under control while dealing with Jarek's own negative emotions. Jarvis was good at ignoring himself when taking care of not only Jarek but anyone else, which wasn't always a good thing. He'd give up just about anything to help anyone in need and while that attitude was a moral and nice one to have, it did get Jarvis hurt plenty. Jarek never hurt him directly; Jarvis more so got hurt over the way Jarek treated himself. Always the sensitive one when it came to people he cared about, that Jarvis was. There was an retort for Jarek's sassy little answer right on the tip of Jarvis' tongue, ready to spill forward, when Jay-bird was showing off his gum and offering him some. It was sad, because Jarvis didn't get it for a split-second, and was going to say sure, he'd like a piece of gum. Then, Jarek was leaning forward, and on instinct, it made Jarvis lean back, eyes going a fraction wider. Jarvis hated the way his face felt like it caught fire, cheeks growing a darker shade from the very slight rose they usually had. He disliked that Jarek could get those reactions out of him, frowned as he laughed and stepped back. Jarvis always blushed easily; he was an inexperienced little thing and it was easy to draw those reactions out of him. They always embarrassed the hell out of him, too. He tried to shake off the embarrassment that had built inside his mind from his reaction to Jarek's teasing, that was one thing he would never get used to about Jarek, and decided to just forget about it. Which was easy to do, since the conversation was flowing easily between the two, like it always did. He snorted when Jarek said he could ride on his handlebars. "[color=teal]We tried that when I was, like, eight, and I [i]still[/i] have a scar so no thanks.[/color]" he replied with a grin, playfully nudging Jarek's shoulder. He still did have a scar though, just a pink, long right beside his elbow, where he had broken it. Jarek convinced him to do dangerous things sometimes; it was sort of normal, even for Jarvis, that when you were Jarek's friend, you better expect to do some stupidly dangerous thing at least twice a year, if not plenty more. Jarvis went to turn to Theo when Jarek asked if they could ride with him, to see if it was all right, when Jarek was grabbing him and messing with his hair. It made Jarvis let go of his jacket, and give out another small laugh, as he reached up and half-heatedly batted at Jarek's hand. "[color=teal]I've been your captive since I was about four.[/color]" he grumbled, dropping his hand and giving in to his fate that was Jarek torturing him (not that he was complaining, honestly). Then, the moment was broken, when Cass decided to comment on the new destination. He had overheard her and James' comments before. Jarvis was good at concentrating on more than one thing at once. He made sure to ignore them, because he never liked a womanizing attitude before, but he wouldn't go against them. He knew to say something wouldn't make any difference at all. Just about all of Cass' comments rubbed Jarvis wrong but that was the thing about Jarvis; even when someone rubbed him wrong, he still wouldn't pass judgement on them. He didn't know Cass that well, perhaps she was different in different settings. He wasn't sure of that but he wasn't going to judge her harshly or not speak to her just because he disagreed with her way of speaking. He was so nice, some people actually took it for him being [i]fake[/i] because some people just couldn't believe someone could be that nice. Not that that bothered him either, everyone had their own opinions. Philip began speaking about the beach, and Jarvis was relieved when Philip handled Cass in a respectable manner. [i]Oh[/i], eh... he was speaking about lack of beaches, rather. He twisted his upper body to be able to look at Philip, giving him his full attention in respect of listening to his explanation of the area. The disappointment Jarvis felt was clear on his face in the way his face fell; the poor boy looked crescent fallen over the new knowledge of there being no ocean-side beaches for him to go running on like some cheesy scene from Baywatch (not that he ever wanted to be the Hoff (no offense to him at all though)). Jarvis' emotions were almost always clear on his face, his heart almost always exposed on his sleeve; it was rare he was able to hide a true reaction. Only when he really didn't want something to be known, could he then hide it very well. As Lizzy came back in, before her small outburst, Jarvis had managed a smile and to say, "[color=teal]I'll go to a museum with Philip![/color]" which he totally would, he had no shame. A science museum would be [i]so freaking cool[/i] though, Jarvis might geek out right here, right now. He was ready to turn to Jarek to do just that, because Jarek always took his fan-boying in stride, when Lizzy began yelling. It was surprising. He knew Lizzy for a good while now, no one here nearly as long as he had known Jarek, and had never seen this side of her. She was actually quite like him in the sense of being calm and level-headed, nice and giving. So, to see her having a tiny breakdown, did concern him. He had been pushed to that breaking point before, too, they all were only human. So, he couldn't put it against her at all. The seething comments had been stressful, even for him, and he didn't know or care for Philip like Lizzy did. He made sure she knew he was listening, even if he wasn't close to one of the ones causing any verbal fighting, and nodded when her eyes connected with his. He wasn't going to disrespect her. She was right; this trip was supposed to be fun and relaxing, not full of tension and biting comments. Though, Jarvis highly doubted they would stop, he appreciated Lizzy trying. He felt his heart go out to Liz a little. He could understand losing it sometimes, and personally thought she didn't have to apologize. He smiled a bit at her attempt to get everyone to get a cookie. "[color=teal]It's okay, Liz, really... I shoved a cookie in my mouth the instant I walked in - but you know, more than one cookie is the norm for cookie-eating.[/color]" he commented and watched Jarek wander over to get a cookie, narrowing his eyes just slightly at the not-so-graceful way he did. Jarvis worried about Jay way too much and it was constantly showing on his face. At Jarek's comment on fairytale town, however, his eyes lit up, and he walked over to snatch up his own cookie. "[color=teal]Dude, we can mark that off our bucket list![/color]" he told Jarek like the excited puppy he actually was, having no shame in letting everyone know they had a bucket list together. They got bored, even around each other, and found things to pass the time... Jarvis thought bucket lists were cool. He liked mapping out things he wanted to do for the future, even if it put an ache in his chest, because he had a deep fear he wouldn't achieve them, and he would always be stuck here, working his fingers to the bone to barely get by like his father. He loved his father to death but he couldn't imagine his future being so financially unstable. It was a very scary thought for him. For the most part, he ignored James, until he said something about getting this show on the road. He snorted from behind his cookie, since he had been about to take a bite. "[color=teal][i]On the road,[/i] indeed,[/color]" he said like the ultimate dork he was, before shoving the cookie in his mouth and giving a close-lipped smile at no one in particular.