[h3][center][color=sienna]Philip Howard Iverson[/color][/center][/h3][hr] Philip didn't really know what to do. He had said his piece, Lizzy was standing in the middle of the room, and he wasn't really comfortable with very many other people. But then again, if he ever needed to sit with someone at lunch, he usually sat with Ariel. Speaking of which, Ariel was waiting at the door... Phil glanced at everyone, noting a general lack of activity- no one was in a real rush to head out- and decided to be the first, next to Ariel. He pushed himself off the wall, and started across the room, rubbing Lizzy's hair and then snatching a cookie in one smooth motion. Taking up position next to Ariel, he folded his arms across his chest, watching everyone else without expression. Quietly, he asked Ariel, [color=sienna]"I suppose you won't mind if I join you in your car?"[/color] Catching Lizzy's eyes, he raised an eyebrow questioningly, with a slight jerk of the head towards Ariel- silently asking, [i]coming with?[/i] He took a bite of cookie to punctuate it, and rolled his opposite shoulder, a little sore from holding his duffel bag so long without putting it down or even really moving it. Absently, he wondered what sort of things the group of them would get up to. He was creative enough to imagine all sorts of scenarios- fights, police officers chasing after Cass, angry women armed with pitchforks and torches running after Jamie, Jarek and Jarvis making o- Oh. No. He wasn't going to imagine that sort of thing. Dammit, it was coming back. He shoved the thought out of his mind, and externally squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't have anything against the two, no matter how 'close' they seemed to appear, or how much red appeared on Jarvis's face every time Jarek leaned towards him, but it was not a scene he wanted to see. Gah! Political correctness is such a tricky thing, combined with personal preference. Instead, the scene of Cass- Frick. No. What the hell. This was going to be a long trip.