Taka breathed out heavily, his breath a visible cloud in the early morning air. Up earlier than most people in town had any business being up, Taka could see the first half of the sun as it rose into the sky, tinging the sky a mixture of orange and light purple. Still catching his breath, Taka bent over, his hands resting on his knees and his face dripping with sweat as he watched several others run by. He and the rest of the college soccer team had been on the track behind Arcadia Academy since five in the morning. Unlike most of their daily practices that happened in the afternoon, Saturday practices were in the morning, bright and early. Shaking his head, sending sweat flying off to his sides, Taka's eyes were drawn once again to the brightly colored watch he had found in the mountains last night. The watch was a bright red, and easily caught the attention of the other team members. Several questioned his choices in fashion, and others thought he was attempting to start a new trend, but Taka generally ignored most of the comments thrown his way. [i]"Hey! K-Ton! Keep up!"[/i] Whipping his head around, he saw his team captain running up behind him- meaning that he was about to get lapped. With a deep inhale, Taka got back to running. After a quick 2km run, the team got straight into kicking, passing, and dribbling drlls, which continued for another half hour before the team practiced plays, 3 v 3s, and then finally 9 v 9s and mock scrimmages. This continued until around 7, at which point they cooled down to the tune of classic pop-rock before the coach finally let them go. With a few hours to spare before he was supposed to meet up with his friends, Taka and a few other boys from the soccer team stopped by the Breezy Hill Everymart for a quick bite to eat and a drink. The soccer boys hung around for a while and talked for a bit, before Taka excused himself and began making his trek towards the Community Center. With his bright orange soccer cleats changed out for a pair of comfortable sneakers of an equally bright shade of orange, he made an easy walk towards the community center. His hands stuck firmly in the pockets of his black soccer pants, the red and white of his jacket- emblazoned with the school emblem on the breast, and his last name across its back- flashed as it floated lightly in the morning breeze. His sling backpack was relatively deflated and hung lazily off his shoulde, currently holding little more than his soccer cleats, a pair of shorts, a sweaty towel and a water bottle. As he approached the community center, he saw the brown head of hair and glasses that were distinctly Kazumi's standing by a bench, bike in hand. The contents of the bench were none other than Saki, napping as a she occasionally did. "Ohayo," he said casually, pulling his hand out of his pocket in a sort of two fingered wave/salute.