[center][h3][color=firebrick]CASS ROWLEY[/color][/h3] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4bO9Qlf.gif[/img][hr] The topic of cars and passengers could be set aside for the moment; Cass had made her position on the matter rather clear. Her car could fit a snug five; someone up front with her and three in the back, but that hardly seemed like the way to go for the three unfortunate souls in the back, but at the very least with Cass at the wheel the passengers would likely not be bored enough to start playing stupid road games. That was assuming, of course, that the gang went with her as a driver anyway. Even the Jars and their talk of some stupid fairyland or whatever was not interesting Cass, which was unusual since rest assured she was thinking some things about the place based solely on the name; the two of them could linger in their shared little world as far as she was concerned. Cass had to bookmark James' little comment, because right now the only thing Cass could focus on was Lizzy, specifically her response when the good natured ribbing of the unfortunately nicknamed Cheesy sort delved into the hurt feelings territory. [color=firebrick]"Whoa, easy there, mom, way to harsh the vibe of the room with that,"[/color] Cass spat back with a simple shrug of her shoulders, clearly not at all taking any blame whatsoever for the sudden tone of voice in Lizzy's words. But as Lizzy continued, Cass' head twitched just a bit as her eyes darted from Lizzy to Cheese and back. Museums? Lizzy? With Cheese? Had she heard that correctly? [color=firebrick]"Whoa whoa, back up, back up. You all heard that, right? Since when are you into museums and shit, Lizard? I mean, I figured you for a chaperone type but...wait a minute..."[/color] Cass practically jumped out of the couch, but instead settled for smacking her own thigh and cackling like a witch. [color=firebrick]"Are you two [i][b]fucking[/b][/i]? You and [i]CHEESE[/i]? There's no way! Cheese is the type of dude that showers in a bathing suit, no way he got into your pants. Someone's got a hard on for a red head!"[/color] Cass continued to laugh, not really seeming to care that she was potentially delving into matters best left between the targets of her little ribbing. [color=firebrick]"Oh holy shit, you two are so not riding with me. My car is a fuck free zone unless it's me. Speaking of, you're on, Wolfe. We've gotta think of a punishment for the loser, yeah? Which is gonna be you, by the way, because I've got what you ain't. An ass."[/color] The road trip hadn't even begun and Cass was already drumming up excitement for herself. Hell, someone had to do it.[/center]