[hider=Jamesssssssss (finished)] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=9966cc]Jamie Michael Wolfe[/color][/h1] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12751071_1070655289623149_2115698362_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MzkxMDYyNjY4MzQ3ODA3Ng%3D%3D.2[/img] [color=9966cc][sub]"For the nights I won't remember with the people I'll never forget!"[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=9966cc]▾[/color] Name: [indent]Jamie Michael Wolfe. Mostly everyone calls him James unless they're close friends or family.[/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color] Age: [indent]James just turned 18 in May[/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color] Piercings, Tattoos, Scars: [indent]Jamie has a half sleeve on his left forearm. It features a compass, a skull, roses, and a tiger. On his chest is the date XXV・I・MMIV with an abel wing on each side of the numbers, as a tribute to his parents. James has both lobes pierced and usually wears studs but will occasionally wear small hoops.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12558936_880928978672661_961591212_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MDgxOTg2MTI5NDE4MzU1OA%3D%3D.2[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]▾[/color] Laid-back [color=black]▾[/color] Brutally honest [color=ed1c24]▾[/color] Hilarious [color=black]▾[/color] Distant [color=ed1c24]▾[/color][/center] [color=9966cc]▾[/color]Personality: [indent]Jamie Wolfe is an interesting young man to say the least. The first thing you'll notice is that he always has a relaxed air around him. He's the type of guy to roll with the punches and never really gets riled up. Despite his calm demeanor, he has a very active thought process and doesn't possess a filter. He'll always speak his mind, to a fault, he's always so brutally honest. Wolfe is also an extrovert and quite a funny one at that. He has a unique sense of humor, a mix of deep thinking questions and brutal honesty that either makes you hate him or laugh your ass off. James isn't a black or white person, and sometime's you'll wonder how he'll react, he's not predictable. One moment he could be telling a joke, the next he could be asking thought-provoking questions, and the next he could be quiet and listening. James likes to do his own thing and try new stuff. He believes that everyone should be able to do their own thing without being judged or having to worry about their image. Despite being able to do his fair share of talking and listening, James isn't one to talk about his personal shit often. Since he was a little kid and his parents died in a freak car accident, he has put up barriers between his fun and unpredictable persona he puts up at school and his personal life. Not many people know the deep stuff about Jamie, all the shit he's afraid to tell people. Because of this, he struggles with intimate relationships. It doesn't help that the one real relationship he had ended up with him getting cheated on and betrayed by an ex-bestfriend. [/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color]Hobbies & Interests: [indent]James' real and true passion in life is music, he lives and breaths it. He started playing guitar and ukulele when he was around 11 or 12, he doesn't remember exactly. Wolfe can kind of play piano and learned a couple beats on a drum set but his true talent lies in guitar singing, and songwriting. Now, the only audience he's ever sang in front of were his grandparents, so he's not too confident in his abilities despite having a natural voice. I mean, who would believe their grandparents, its not like they could say he [i]sucked[/i]. Jamie keeps his songwriting and singing low-key, so the only times you'll catch him writing lyrics or singing to himself is when he's alone. James hopes to make a career out of his skills in music one day, but his grandfather (a veteran) wants him to join the USMC like his father.[/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color]Likes & Dislikes (and Fears): [indent]- Music - Hiking - Partying (will smoke weed occasionally but it doesn't excite him like it does to other people, he prefers to drink more than anything) - Deep conversations - Making people laugh - The little moments in life - Coffee - Not escaping this small town - Not making something out of himself - Letting someone in and getting fucked over... Again - Anything with square or rectangular pupils creep him out - Bad breath (having it himself and dealing with other people that have it) - Annoying/boring people - Cherries [/indent] [color=9966cc]▾[/color]Other: [indent]James' is 6 feet tall and weighs 170lb. His natural hair color is milk chocolate brown but he dyed the top of it blond, he has muddy brown eyes that he wishes were blue. In the summer he wears athletic or cargo shorts with graphic tees or tank tops, depending on the day. Jamie is left handed, and wears his grandfather's watch on his right wrist.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5PiGIsCYAAZ2MU.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=9966cc]▾[/color]Biography: [indent]From the few, foggy memories James has of his parents, he gathered that they had loved him dearly. Sadly, he could only think back to those simpler times in brief pictures and short clips. Like his favorite memory of them; he was being pushed on a swing by his father. Everythime the swing would rush backwards he would look over his shoulder to see his father smiling at him and James would giggle gleefully. When he was pitches forward he was greeted by his mother's beautiful face making silly expressions at him until he would get close enough and she would tickle his tummy. In the present day, he can only grip on to that one memory and a vague remembrance of their faces. He was five years old when they tragically died in a freak car accident. Jamie had been at home with a babysitter while his parents were out on a date for their anniversary. Coming home, they were in a front end collision with a drunk driver. The man had been swerving in his lane and smashed into them at 70 miles an hour. Medical professionals claimed they died instantly, not that James cared about the degree to which they died. At the ripe age of five, death was a foreign concept, and it didn't really sink in for a while. He was just told that Mama and Daddy were on vacation for a while and he was going to have to stay with his grandparents. May and Gary Wolfe took great care of him, even in their old age. Growing up, Jamie received nothing but love and was spoiled constantly. He grew up in an amazing home, Gary had been the CEO of a multi-million dollar company which not only allowed him to retire early, but left him with a hefty amount of cash in the bank. By the time James hit his teenage years, he became redical. He was angry at the universe from taking his parents away from him, and he acted out in school because of it. At the point, his grandparents were in their late seventies and couldn't keep a proper eye on him. Despite his punk behavior in school and the partying and the drugs, he always treated his grandparents with the tenderest love. Deep down he hated that he was doing what he was doing, because he knew his parents would have wanted him to be a better person. Not that it mattered what they would have thought, they were fucking gone. Things sort of calmed down by his junior year of high school. He was actually focused on doing well in school and his teachers realized that he was actually really freaking smart. If he had put more effort in and really cracked down on his studies, he could have easily gotten straight A's. Instead he got average B's, but Hell that was way better than the D's and E's he had been recieving beforehand. Things looked like they were turning around from the young Wofle, he even managed to land himself a job as an assistant in an auto shop in town. Jamie learned here the ins and outs of cars, and also found a love for them. Using his grandfather's money, he bought a luxury car at 17 years old. It was a beautiful Audi R8 and it caught a lot of people's eyes. He bought it used, but used his new skills learned from the auto shop to fix it up. At 17, James found his first love, Abby. He was head over heels the first time he saw her, he almost couldn't believe it. Even better, it seemed she had feelings for him to. Long story short, they dated for almost all of his junior year until April of that same year. Jamie had decided that he was going to surprise Abby with her favorite candy and a Redbox movie. She had claimed she was feeling sick that day so he wanted to go cheer her up. He had let himself in, knowing where the spare key was, but when he went upstairs to her room he was met with that made his blood boil. When he knocked on the door he heard a guy's voice curse. James slammed opened the door, half in shock and not want to believe what was probably behind that door. Wolfe opened the door to see his best friend, Jack, frantically trying to get off Abby. Not believing his eyes, he kind of just stood there for a while in shock. It was awful, they didn't even try to lie or explain. They just confessed that they had been seeing each other behind his back for about a month. Normally, James isn't one to explode on someone, but holy shit, he blew up. The normally calm teenager, literally threw Jack off Abby's bed and just started wailing on him. Abby was screaming and sobbing in the background, not that James was paying any attention to her. After Wolfe was satisfied with his work and all his anger was gone, he left Jack with his broken face and Abby with a broken heart. He never talked to either of them after that day, and when people asked what the hell happened to Jack, Jack lied and said he tripped skateboarding and ate shit. James didn't know why Jack never told anyone about how he got assaulted by James, but he tries not to think of either of them anymore. This is the main reason, James has been so distant recently, and he hasn't told anyone. When anyone asks what happened to Abby, he says she dumped him and didn't tell him why.[/indent] [/hider]