[@Write] Then I shall do just that. Just please don't bug me to look at CSs right now. I promise I'm a good GM and I do look at CSs in a timely manner but finals are stressful. So odds are I will only be around to answer small questions if at all. I try to stop myself from answering RP questions at times like this because if I don't do that, I'll spend all my time answering questions and not doing my work, which is what I'm doing right now. But if you'd rather have a different thread other than this one to throw stuff up feel free. Just know that if you throw up a CS and it gets lost in the pages, you'll have to flip through to find it again because I don't really want to have to deal with that (and I have to approve CSs before they get thrown up in the C-Tab). So ye, I'll do that real quick. (It won't look purdy, I'm sorry.)