[h1]NPCs[/h1] [hider=Finn Rohrbach] [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-1801324734.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Finn Rohrbach [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] A jumble of thoughts, Finn tends to jumble his words together since his mind works much faster than his mouth. He often has to slow his speech down to snails pace for anyone to understand him. A scientist at heart, he is ever curious and will always put science above all else, even his own life. He often will not eat while experimenting as it would only slow progress which is why he is so skinny all of the time. He does not socialize outside of his lab and will not normally talk to others unless explaining his latest and greatest experiment. He abhors those who would talk down on science or question his abilities both as a professor and scientist. In the science world, he treats his colleagues as competitors and is constantly trying to gain approval, he just hasn't really figured out who since his father has passed away. [b]Background:[/b] Finn grew up in a home that never believed in him. They all told him he'd be a farmer like his dad, forcing him to learn the skills, but Finn wanted desperately to prove himself. When he was told to go study plants, he took it upon himself to go one step further and studied the science behind it. Soon, he found that plants did not excite him and wanted to study animals and their behavior and anatomy. His parents got whiff of this but it was already too late. Finn had the support of his teachers who, despite his parents telling them he would never succeed in this line of work, supported Finn. He got such good grades in school that he got a full ride to a college in America and immediately moved to the states, gaining his citizenship. After graduating (and gaining his doctorate), Finn stayed in America and acquired a job nearby at a college with his own lab. At first, he wasn't concerned with fighting crime, but certain events led up to this. The discovery of a new, interesting element, Element Zero, as Rohrbach called it, and the murder of his wife, Lucille had caused his efforts to shift. Bent on justice, Rohrbach uses this new element to create a band of superheroes to fight crime in his stead. [/hider]