[hider=CS] [color=007236]Successor of the Amakasu Family[/color] [img]http://imgur.com/c5gSkt3.jpg[/img] [quote]" Don't worry, i'm sure you won't find my doujinshi stash... I MEAN WHAT STASH? AHAHAHA...Ehh... Never mind..." -Yumiko after being asked about her Doujinshi [/quote] [h2] General info, chronological and physical. [/h2] *Chronological Age: 17 *Physical Age: 16 *Status: Active (Depends on school) *Weight:96 lbs. *Height: 5'6" *Gender: Female *Eye Color: Blue *Hair Color: Brown *Physical Build: Quite thin *Grade: 12 (Skipped a grade) *Distinguishable Features **Will always have a book in her hands, don't ask what book and please don't ask if you can see it.. [h3] Summary from Yumiko's Diary [/h3] *Yumiko grew up in a family where money didn't matter and glory meant everything to them. Her mother had died while giving birth to Yumiko, so her father had to take care of her. He taught her how to pick up a bow and shoot an arrow with deadly precision by the time she was 6 years old. She loved her father, and looked up to him as her role model and her guide in life. Her father always told her that if you listen closely to the wind, you could hear the voices of loved ones that have passed away, and by hearing that, she loved to talk with her mother. Sadly on the day of her 12th birthday, Yumiko's father got into a terrible car crash and died from head on collision. From the crash, there was only one salvageable item that was given to Yumiko, It a dark reflex bow with two sharp edges on the side with a tag on it. The tag said "Happy Birthday Yumiko! This is your new bow Adeline. Take good care of her... I love you" ~Daddy After she received the bow, she vowed to her father that she would strive to become the best archer there is and make sure that he will be proud of her in the afterlife. 4 years have passed and her entire town was burnt down after being accused of planned terrorism. As she watched her own town burn into ashes and her childhood friends being executed or turning captive, she took one last look at the town as she disappeared into the wind, knowing that her father will guide her from there. A year had passed as she now lives in the Genroukan dorms, waiting for anyone to try and challenge her, and at the same time, trying to keep people away from her hidden Doujinshi stash. She listens to the wind closely as her father guides her through life. [h3] Personality [/h3] *Like other members inside of her family, she has perfect manners and a tendency to tend to others No matter if they're friendly or hostile. She also has great leadership skills that she uses to boost others morale or even trick the enemies into defecting their faction. Although she loves socializing with others, she is actually very shy when it comes to chatting with others that are male. She even tends to become uncomfortable as she makes eye contact with other males and tries to ignore them and walk away as fast as she can. She is very intelligent when it comes to educational questions and aces most of her classes, but when it comes to Physical Ed, she tends to struggle on the fact that she can barely do three sit ups without having to catch her breath. Her knowledge on Sexual Education is by far her strongest subject to study on. Even if you bring up the slightest thing relating to Sex-Ed, she can literally make an entire essay of explanations and corrections about the idea. Nobody knows why she has accumulated such knowledge, but at the same time it seems most of Raijin does know how. [h3] Abilities, and Weaponry[/h3] *Her skills consist of both high intellect and a light and nimble body to move around even the swiftest of attacks. As she had been taught with a bow since she was four years old, she is an expert on precision and patience when it comes to fighting someone. She uses a defensive strategy and waits for her opponent to strike first so she can land a counter attack and or a chance to get some breathing room. When it comes to Close Quarter Combat, she uses her bow that has two sharp edges and uses it as a dual sided sword, although she isn't quite skilled with it, she makes up for it in her dexterity and knowledge for weak points. [b]Deadly Precision[/b]: From many years of archery training, she has been trained to even hit the farthest of targets, she can hit an apple standing on top of the tower if she really wanted to. She can use any sort of projectile weapon such as: Knifes, darts, and even hatchets, but she prefers using arrows. [b]The Hawk Eye[/b]: She controls her anger at most times, but when she hits her breaking point, one of her eyes glow yellow and turns into a hawk eye. In addition she goes into a blind fury and will shoot every attacker on her sight or even knock them into an unconscious state if she is unarmed. This ability rarely happens as she is able to control her temper quite well. [/hider]