Some of these soldiers were getting really desperate. That was the thought that courses through Yuu's mind, as she lifted one of her MAS' foot, only to slam it down with force, pistons hissing and metal groaning at the excessive force. A small explosion could be felt, as something detonated under that foot. While it may seem rather cruel to kill using such a method, it was actually down to efficiency. The machine guns were actively engaging targets at medium ranges, and at this moment behind her, and lowering the Saviors took too long. So, she opted to flatten those that got too close. Upon hearing Maki call out, Yuu silently nodded, despite no one actually being able to see her movements. Maki's entry into the battlefield with her MAS also gave out a crucial piece of advice, which was to keep fire off the western hangar, while Trapp was calling out to clear out the surrounding soldiers around hangar. At least, that's how she inferred it, as Trapp had cut out. Seeing soldiers still running around the area, as she lumbered her way towards the hanger, she allowed the onboard AI systems to target and turn each and every one of them into Swiss cheese. "Every soldier that survives the battle is another soldier you will have to fight again..." Muttering those words softly, she watched as a group had fled into the cover of one of the buildings. Not even bothering to waste ammunition, Yuu pulled on the controls, with the Sovereign responding to her movements. She had pulled back her left arm, before swinging it forward, and disconnected the shield at the apex of her movement. Suddenly airborne, the thick slab of alloy metal slammed into the building, tearing through the material with its sheer weight. With her left hand free now, she swapped the Saviors over to the left, before grabbing the Trinity of her back with her right. Cannon in one hand, laser in the other, and PDs supplementing them, she opened fire in multiple directions, the onboard AI assisting in the tracking.