[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jocelyn%20Thompson&name=GesseleRegular.ttf&size=120&style_color=CD5DE3[/img] [h3]&[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/msSHKzd.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.skyrock.net/3415/87603415/pics/3157965736_1_2_inUgsZgM.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m479i1CbhS1r8enup.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Beverly Hills High School (Hallway) → Parking Lot [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] After Lunch [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b]Each Other[/center][hr] The older guy had grunted and placed his left arm on his right shoulder to see if any serious damage was done, but apparently there wasn't. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Don't worry about me,"[/b][/color] he said. [color=dodgerblue][b]"That Lilith doesn't have a lot of physical strength, but she did surprise me at how strong she was."[/b][/color] He shook his arm a bit, then continued to address her with his stunning blue eyes on hers. [color=dodgerblue][b]"In any case, I believe I was in the process of giving you my name. People around here call me many things, but my family calls me--"[/b][/color] He'd been interrupted by the loud buzzing of his phone, and was clearly annoyed by it. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Oh for crying out loud!"[/b][/color] he'd burst out, shutting his phone off to avoid being interrupted again, and continued to address her. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Anyways, the name is Alexandros Mossos. A pleasure, Jocelyn Thompson,"[/b][/color] Alexandros took her hand, kissing it like a classy gentleman. His blue eyes never left her eyes, a flirtatious smirk being shot towards her. [color=violet][i]Alexandros Mossos...[/i][/color] [color=dodgerblue][b]"Wait--"[/b][/color] Josie's brown eyes widened in surprise and recognition. Finally, someone she actually knew in this jungle!!! [color=violet][i]"Alex!"[/i][/color] she'd shrieked before she could control herself, dropping her books on the floor and wrapping her arms around the towering man with such force that he'd fallen backwards on the floor with her on top. Before Alexandros could get one more word in, Josie had dropped all bashfulness, seemingly when she heard Alexandros' name, and embraced him in such a tight hug - which was surprisingly strong - and had forced them to the ground. Alexandros didn't know what hit him. Just a moment ago, he was doing what he thought was the classy thing, and giving Josie a gentlemanly kiss on the hand. He thought he was showing good manners, but it seemed like his name was some kind of trigger because the Mossos teen was finding it somewhat difficult to get loose from Josie's tight embrace. Her arms were wrapped around him so tightly that not even the slight force of falling to the ground and her body bouncing off of his firm chest was able to get her to release the clutch she had on him. She giggled as she fell, tightening her grip on him to avoid any accidents. Her shy demeanor had disappeared the instant she'd realized she had been right on her hunch of recognizing him. Of course he knew who this man was! She let go of him after a few seconds and looked up at him expectantly, hoping he'd also put two and two together. She was disappointed when he didn't. [b][color=violet]"Don't you recognize me? It's me: Josie! I was Ava's best friend back when you guys lived in New Jersey!"[/color][/b] [color=dodgerblue][b]"Umm, uhh.."[/b][/color] Alexandros said blankly. He was honestly trying to remember the years that his family spent in New Jersey. He does remember living there, but that was a long time ago, and a lot has happened since those days. Obviously, to Josie, Alexandros was familiar. And a part of him felt bad for not remembering it because she had such a happy gleam in her eyes. It was like that of someone who, after several years, became reunited with their best friend of their childhood. Alexandros was many things, but a heartless bastard was not one of them, thus why he felt bad for not remembering who she was then. Still, the mention of Ava was peculiar. Judging from Alex's blank tone and the lost look in his face, Josie was now certain he had no clue about who she was. [b][color=violet]"Oh my God, Alex. You seriously don't remember me?"[/color][/b] she asked again, a hint of impatience in her sweet voice as she rolled her eyes. [b][color=violet]"Dude, we spent quite a few weekends at your place in the Hamptons back in the day. I watched you stuff your face with Black Cherry gelato until Mrs. Adrianna had to pretty much wrestle the container from you because she was afraid that you would get a bellyache. I'm also an eyewitness to you making killer sand castles in the Hampton beaches, and that we had to pretty much drag your shaking figure from under my dining room table when a clown showed up on my 8th birthday party. If I didn't know you, then how would I know all of those things?"[/color][/b] [color=dodgerblue][b]"Those are some oddly specific word choices."[/b][/color] Alexandros admitted. He looked at Josie with silence for fifteen seconds, letting all of those words sink in. As they did, he was trying to remember. Despite her obviously saying all of those things, Alexandros couldn't hide it on his face that he still didn't recognize Josie, not from back then, at least. Still, the fact that she knew all of those things about him, like how his favorite kind of ice cream was Gelato and his favorite flavor was Black Cherry. There was a distant memory of someone sharing that with him, but the face as well as the name seemed to be a blank. Alexandros had to admit that it was odd that she would also know about his sand castle-making skills. Only someone who was there would know that. It wasn't exactly public knowledge. But despite all of those things, his favorite ice cream flavor, his prowess of making sand castles - none of it was compared to how Josie seemed to know about that clown incident. Despite anything she might've said, [b]no one[/b] knew about that. Only someone who was-- [color=dodgerblue][b] "Little J...?"[/b][/color] Alexandros asked, blinking. Josie gave an excited little shriek, nodding furiously. [b][color=violet]"Yes, yes! That's me!"[/color][/b] And it clicked. Alexandros remembered. The face came to him. Young, white and pale, red hair like hues of the sun, eyes as brown as twin, milk chocolate balls, and a friendly spirit that Alexandros remembered being fond of. She was like his sister - albeit less sarcastic, more reserved - but there was no denying that they were the best of friends. Alexandros remembered how broken-hearted Ava was when they had left and never came back. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Not so little anymore, it seems."[/b][/color] he said, giving what seemed like a nod for himself. She definitely did. The kid he remembered wasn't as ...[i]developed[/i] as the redhead standing before him was. Josie let out a playful giggle, eyes now alight after seeing that the older brother of one of her best friends in the whole wide world (which meant that he was basically sort of like another big brother for her) had finally realized who she was. [b][color=violet]"One has to grow up at some point, right?"[/color][/b] she chortled, giving him a quick once-over. [b][color=violet]"You've done quite a bit of growing up yourself, haven't you, Big Al? I don't remember you having these muscles."[/color][/b] Josie said with a reference of the nickname she'd given him as a child as she softly and innocently gripped the muscles of his arms to test their hardness. She was surprised, albeit she shouldn't be, to feel just how strong they were. Back in the day, Josie and Ava always laughed whenever Alexandros used to brag about how big and buff he was going to get when he grew up. It seemed that he had kept true to his promise. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Says the girl that finally grew some tits."[/b][/color] he said. Alexandros stroked his chin with a smirk and a laugh. [b][color=violet]"[i]Alex![/i]"[/color][/b] Josie hissed, unable to hide the dark red blush that had appeared on her cheeks. She looked down to her chest to make sure she was revealing nothing and back at him to give him a light slap on his arm. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Oh come now, Josie. You can't possibly be embarrassed. Just a minute ago you had your arms around me as if we were lovers. Maybe I should say my name again."[/b][/color] he said teasingly. [b][color=violet]"It seems some things never change... You're clearly still a clown."[/color][/b] she teased back, sticking her tongue out at him while her cheeks were still red. It was funny that he had made that lovers comment, because for the better part of her childhood Alexandros Mossos had been her all-time crush. Ava had known about it, of course, and had even tried her hardest to have them spend time alone together in the hopes that her brother fell in love with her best friend so they could be even closer than they already were. That plan had obviously been a fail. Blame Josie's nerves and shy demeanor around him when they were alone for that one. [color=dodgerblue][b]"And yet, some things do - like you being here."[/b][/color] Alexandros said, pointing out the obvious. [color=dodgerblue][b]"What are you doing here in California? More to the point, you're here in Beverly Hills High. Either something big happened to force a move from New Jersey all the way here, or your subconscious has a wicked sense of humor making you stalk me."[/b][/color] he said, teasing again. Josie's face fell a little when Alex made a mention to something big happening to force her to move (it had been big, all right), but was cheered up a little to his teasing comment of her stalking him. [b][color=violet]"You wish, Alex. You always had plenty of girls after you, so I'm [i]preeeeeeetty[/i] darn sure female stalkers are the least of your worries,"[/color][/b] she teased back, giving a small laugh before facing the serious reason that had changed her life. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Well, you aren't wrong."[/b][/color] Alexandros cockily admitted, laughing. [b][color=violet]"And, the reason I'm here in Cali is because Mom and Dad got a divorce. Dad left for Canada, and since his salary was basically the one that kept us in the position we were in, we had to move to the only place we had left, which was the small summer house by the beach we had here. Thankfully he left that for us to live in."[/color][/b] Josie gave Alex a sad half-smile. [b][color=violet]"We've all got jobs to keep us afloat. Mom's still working as a nurse over here at the Beverly Hills Hospital, Jonathan's got a part time at the cinema while studying at the community college during the day. James pretty much does the same, but he works at the nearby diner instead. I work as a babysitter in the afternoons and weekends, and Julius and Julia are just studying."[/color][/b] [color=dodgerblue][b]"You're serious? Wow."[/b][/color] Alexandros admitted his shock verbally. Jocelyn nodded. [b][color=violet]"Yup. There's six of us now with only my mom's as the main salary, so we either all work or we'll be barely able to afford anything."[/color][/b] There might have been gaping holes in his memory about a lot of things, but it's clear enough to remember Josie's parents. He thought they were happy. Then again, perhaps not all couples were like his parents. Though, his parents weren't like most couples. Most couples don't meet at some cafè in Greece and fall in love at first sight. Not most couples forsake their warring families and go to America to start a life with each other. Truly, not most couples were like Baltazar Mossos and Adrianna DiVale. So, maybe Alexandros shouldn't be shocked, yet, as he looked at Josie, her face looking half-sad, he couldn't help but feel for the poor thing. She must feel fifty shades of different emotions. Alexandros felt like he had to do ...[i]something[/i] [color=dodgerblue][b]"I know you probably got class and skipping probably isn't ideal, but you really look like you could use a break. So, I propose this!"[/b][/color] he said, [color=dodgerblue][b]"You and I go to the parking lot, get into my car, we go to In-And-Out Burger, and I take your mind off of everything for a few hours."[/b][/color] Joselyn's eyes lit up again, even though there was a hesitant expression on her face. She was new here, it was her first day and she wasn't the type to skip classes (in fact, she'd never done so in her life). She took a moment to consider the offer, but one look into the warmth in Alex's ocean-blue eyes, and she knew there was no way she could refuse. Without wasting any more time, Josie got up from Alex's chest, quickly gathered her strewn-about belongings and looked at Alex. [color=violet]"You had me at burgers, Alex,"[/color] she replied with a giggle. [b][color=violet]"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"[/color][/b] And like a child on Christmas day, Josie took one of Alexandros' hands and sprinted down the empty corridors of Beverly Hills High, a bright smile illuminating her face. It wasn't until she reached the school's entrance (by sheer luck, obviously, because she didn't know anything about this school) that she stopped and turned to look at Alex again with a sheepish grin. [b][color=violet]"So, um... Which one's your car again?"[/color][/b] Josie asked him, slowly catching her breath. When they reached outside of the school, and gone into the parking lot, Alexandros chuckled at her question. He would say nothing. All he would do was take out his car keys, and press the unlock button, which caused his car to make one sound. Alexandros pointed to the luxurious Red Ferrari. [color=dodgerblue][b]"That's it right there."[/b][/color] he said with a smirk. Josie's jaw dropped when her eyes fell on the freakishly expensive vehicle that Alexandros had pointed at. She very well knew the Mossos family had money, but she'd never stopped to think just [i]how[/i] wealthy they truly were. Being Ava's best friend had taught her that even the wealthiest of girls could be an incredibly humble person if she really wanted to. What did money and riches really matter, anyway? They gave you what most would call a 'good' life, but Josie had experienced firsthand that you could be happy with less and unhappy with more. But focusing on the current situation... [b][color=violet]"Oh my God, Alex! Are we really riding in [i]that[/i]?"[/color][/b] she asked him in awe, looking at the stunning Ferrari with reverence. That was the kind of car she could only dream of touching, let alone ride it. His blue eyes looked at Josie with a bit of amusement. [color=dodgerblue][b]"I suppose it's your first time seeing a car like this up close, huh?"[/b][/color] Josie nodded at him. Alexandros found her awe adorable. He almost forgot that the Thompsons weren't exactly what you would call rich. Alexandros often forgot that money was really never an issue for him, so having a Ferrari wasn't anything out of the norm. But he had to think that, based on Josie's reaction to his car, that perhaps this was the first time she had this kind of exposure to this side of life, which brought Alexandros to a thought. [color=dodgerblue][b]"You know Josie, it's one thing to ride in the passenger seat. Sure, you get some kind of thrill, and you get a good estimation of how fast it can go, but there's nothing quite like driving it."[/b][/color] he said. Alexandros closed his eyes and smiled. He opened them and looked at his keys for a short moment. It was obvious what he was about to do to both him and Josie. [color=dodgerblue][b]"And today will be your chance to experience that thrill."[/b][/color] Alexandros held out the hand that had his keys in them, giving Josie the unspoken hint to take them. His blue eyes enforced that hint as he wanted her to take them. Now it was her turn to put two and two together. Josie's brown eyes widened again, and her face was now a mixture of awe, surprise and gratitude. Was she dreaming? First she'd found Alexandros- her childhood crush who still made her feel all fuzzy inside- which meant that she had also found Ava after all of these years. Then, he was offering to take her out for lunch (on a [i]Ferrari[/i], no less) just the two of them, and now Alexandros was handing her the keys to said luxurious vehicle for her to drive. Could this day get any better? [b][color=violet]"Oh my... Are- are you sure about this, Al?"[/color][/b] a hesitant Josie asked Alexandros, looking up at him with questioning eyes. [color=violet]"I just got my driver's licence, like, last week."[/color] [color=dodgerblue][b]"Sure, why not?"[/b][/color] he said. Alexandros shrugged, putting the keys into her hands, and closing them for her. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Since when where there ever be an opportunity for you to drive a Red Ferrari?"[/b][/color] Alexandros left Josie with that thought. For someone who obviously didn't have the funds or means to buy a car like his Ferrari, this was a once in a lifetime chance. Alex was right, of course. Her parents had been medium-high class before, but were never (and obviously never would be, since they were [i]divorced[/i] now and all) able to afford anything close to a Ferrari. His confirmation still wasn't enough motivation for Josie to take the keys from him, so Alex had no choice but gently put them into her hand and close it, sealing them inside her palm. His hand touching hers sent a wave of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It seemed that even after so many years having gone by, Alexandros Mossos had the same effect on Josie. [b][color=violet]"Ummmm... Okay then!"[/color][/b] Josie finally said brightly after a few seconds of hesitation, shrugging with both shoulders. Slightly shaking, Josie set her things in the back, unlocked the door for the both of them, opened the driver's side of the vehicle and carefully sat down on the plush leather seat. She looked at Alexandros with a happy, beaming smile. [b][color=violet]"My father and brothers would [i]freak[/i] if they saw me in this car!"[/color][/b] Josie told Alex, giving little jumps of excitement in her seat. While Josie took the driver's seat, Alexandros took a comfortable seat in the passenger's side. He took note to how nervous she was, yet at the same time, he couldn't help but notice how utterly excited she seemed to be. It seemed almost to the point that she could barely contain it. He chuckled, finding it both amusing and adorable. [color=dodgerblue][b]"If you want to, we could drop by your place afterwards."[/b][/color] Alexandros half-teased her with that thought. They could if she wanted to, but she would have to say that she wanted to. Alexandros wasn't about to force it upon her. At Alex's suggestion of dropping by her house, Josie's smile widened. [b][color=violet]"Yeah, that's totally fine with me. One of the twins usually picks me up, so if we take too long I was going to need a ride."[/color][/b] she explained, putting the keys into the ignition and turning it on. The Ferrari's loud engine roared to life, making Josie jump a little. [b][color=violet]"Gosh, that was loud, wasn't it?"[/color][/b] she asked Alexandros, giving a little giggle. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Oh don't worry, if we do run late, I'll give you a ride home."[/b][/color] Alexandros said. He reassured her that, through whatever reason that they were going to take excess time, there would be a ride waiting for her in the form of his Ferrari. When she jumped from the loudness of the Ferrari's engine, Alexandros chuckled slightly. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Yeah, it can sneak up on you. Just don't let it psyche you out, okay?"[/b][/color] he said. As he looked at her, Alexandros's left hand went on the hand of Josie's that was closest to him, and looked at her with his sapphire eyes. [color=dodgerblue][b]"Take control. A car like this demands to be submitted into defeat. Pull out easily, and when we hit the road, floor it. Trust me, you'll like the power that'll be in your hands."[/b][/color] he said. Alexandros' hand never left Josie's and his eyes never left her the whole time he spoke. Josie gave him a quick hug. [b][color=violet]"Thank you, Alex!"[/color][/b] she told him brightly, and nodded when he gave her tips and advice on how to appropriately drive his car. Instead of heading out right away, Josie waited a few moments in which she simply enjoyed their entwined hands and lingering stares (those blue eyes of Alexandros had always captivated her in an unexplainable way) until she decided it would be creepy and [i]way[/i] too obvious if she stalled any longer. So, she sadly took her hand from under Alex's, placed both hands on the steering wheel and carefully pulled out from the parking spot. However, when she put the car in Drive and lightly touched the gas pedal, the Ferrari's engine roared again and they sped down the street and out of the school grounds. The sheer delight that Josie felt was as obvious as a neon sign in a dark alleyway as her loud shriek was just as loud as the engine of the Ferrari itself. Alexandros laughed. He knew, on some level, that she was going to enjoy herself, but even he didn't comprehend that she was going to have this much excitement flowing through her to the point that all previous notions of Josie being a bashful redhead had gone out the window just as the smoke from the exhaust pipes had, just as the sight of Beverly Hills High had in the rear-view mirror had.