[color=a187be]"Just because you protest with a groan doesn't mean I'm going to give up."[/color] Lyn hopped to her feet from the bed, surveying the room. It was... drab to say the least. Even though it had free standing walls, it still wasn't much better than the hide-aways standard to POLTAVA bases. [color=a187be]If she doesn't like living on base, she doesn't have to. But it worries me having girls out here in the fray like this. At least in the base there is security in numbers. This...[/color] Lyn turned back to the naked girl on the bed, sighing as she stirred, [color=a187be]... Is as little unconventional.[/color] Pulling out her PDA, The Thinker snapped a quick picture of the sleep-stricken girls face. A search query ran through the screen, coming back with a null-match with the immediate POLTAVA database. An inquisitive smirk grew across Lyn's face, leading her to plop back down onto the bed. [color=a187be]"I'm Lyn by the way. Considering the nature of your friend, I'm sure you're not just a normal teenage girl. But it seems like you haven't chosen to stick to a group to survive. But the question is, why?"[/color]