[hider= Knight of Labrynna] [b]Name:[/b] Sigurd [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Labrynian [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/zp4cHim.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A focused individual whose mind's sharpness is only rivaled by his blade. Despite the way he handles himself, and being a man of action, he is quite the scholar and thinker, even in the heat of battle, which gives him an advantage over particular foes. He enjoys both the arts and history, and has some knowledge of ancient languages, but is no expert on them. Unlike most of his knight colleagues back at home, he took to scholarly pursuits just as often as he took to martial pursuits, making him a well-rounded warrior. He despises cowardice, but values knowing when to retreat, he rarely wishes to get involved with matters that do not pertain to him, but if it is something he cannot stand, or if he just happens to feel like it on a whim, he may engage. [b]Background:[/b] A knight in service of the current queen ruling in Labrynna, he was from a family of knights and was raised as such. Labrynna was in a time of peace, but for eight years it began to suffer increased monster attacks, which urged his training on more. Eventually he would finally be knighted, and led many defenses against monsters since then. He has traveled far in the name of Labrynna's royalty for years, until he would find that envoys sent to Hyrule were not returning. They normally did trade with the sister country far beyond, but for years they found those roads dead silent, and filled with monsters. Armed escorts were not enough, this wasn't a simple monster outbreak. Finally, the queen sent Sigurd to investigate, along with a small retinue of knights to accompany him. On the road to Hyrule they were attacked relentlessly by monsters, but finally reached Hyrule after a few days. It was then they learned that the kingdom had fallen. When they investigated, they had found that a place called the "Oasis" was a final bastion for this place, and so he and the knights made their way there. They encountered what appeared to be a Sheikah patrol, who would lead the group to the Oasis. After a brief visit and inquiry, the knights had learned what had happened to Hyrule, and would set out the following morning to inform their queen. On their way home however, Darknuts and Stalfos blocked their way, and many of the knights were killed, all but two, Sigurd himself, and one of his colleagues, who he would cover the way for, sending his colleague away to inform the queen while he bought time for his escape, as he was the only one among the two who could possibly hold this force off on their own. After a gruelling battle, and overexpending his magical capacities would damage them and ensure he cannot use magic for a good amount of time, he was on his last legs. When all hope seemed lost, a golden speck of light entered his view, and lowered itself on his open hand... A tiny golden shard...? He knew not what it was, but suddenly he could see the way the knights moved. It did not give him strength, but it gave him the means to efficiently use what little he had left, and with it, he would defeat the monster force. He would collapse there, until a Sheikah patrol would find him and bring him back to Oasis where he would recover. Upon recovery he set out to find out what this little golden shard that granted him salvation was, and perhaps they were some kind of key to upturning the ruination of this land. Unfortunately, his magical capacity was weak, having been damaged after being overused, but he felt them slowly recover. He heard of what these things were... The Triforce. A legendary artifact, even some scriptures in Labrynna would reference it. For him to come across a piece of it... There must be some duty that the goddesses had entrusted to him. [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*] [b]Master Swordsman[/b]: Even before taking his oath as a knight, he was a skilled swordsman, wielding a giant two handed blade with incredible skill and speed. He uses the weight of the weapon to keep himself moving while attacking, lending him to large sweeping spinning strikes, but at the same time allows him to move quickly. [*] [b]Martial Prowess[/b]: Despite the way he uses his weapon, he has incredible strength, letting him do decent damage with mere punches, kicks and grapples. [*] [b]Labrynna Knight[/b]: His training as a knight of Labrynna has allowed him to move effectively in his armor, as well as taught him the use of shields, even though he rarely uses them. [*] [b]Scouting[/b]: Basic military requirement was he learn to scout. This allows him to spot incoming threats or identify objects or people from further away. [*] [b]Tactician[/b]: He has knowledge of warfare, mostly from books, though it is largely untested. [*] [b]Commander[/b]: As a head knight, he has experience in leading men. [*] [b]Arcane Warrior[/b]: Sigurd has a pursuit of weapon magic, which allows him to imbue the weapons he wields with magical properties for devastating attacks, or a simple buff. [/list] [b]Magic:[/b] [list][*] [b]Dragon Spin Attack[/b]: The spin attack has been a powerful sword art for generations, and people who could not master the original that the Hylian Knights use, would go on to make a version that they could use. This is Sigurd's, a sweeping spin attack with jumps and travels across the battlefield like an acrobatic dance. This attack uses an absurd amount of his energy though. [/list] [b]Gear:[/b] [list][*] [b]Labrynna Greatsword[/b]: A gigantic blade made specifically for Sigurd, it has the Ages insignia on it. [*] [b]Labrynna Knight Elite Armor[/b]: An ornate armor with a slim design. It uses a plated mesh in place of chainmail in some areas, and has the blue cloak symbolic of Labrynna. Classed as a medium armor, but the plated mesh gives it better protection than chainmail, but worse than plate, while maintaining the lightness of a medium armor. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Sigurd wields incredible destructive power, the combination of any of his War Magic and Dragon Spin Attack can swiftly dispatch of groups of even powerful foes in moments, but it leaves him open to attack should it not succeed. Generally wielding the two handed blade makes his attacks slow yet far reaching, someone who can get inside his range with a faster weapon would have better luck fighting him. At the moment he's unable to use magic effectively, but at his full strength he is a force to be reckoned with. [/hider]