"Sounds expensive..." Alakai spoke, not sure if he was happy with expenses like that. Though he chalked that up to him just not liking diversions from the plans he had in his head. "Well, it'll help in the long run if we can find an enchanter to put something good on it. Maybe more mana regeneration or intellect." The man then took out the new pair of swim shorts he had bought, holding them up. "I hope you don't mind I bought this... The briefs you made are great but...you know..." Right away Alakai was starting to feel awkward again, so he decided to instead quickly change the subject. "So...since we've seen the shops, off to the beach right?" He spoke, stepping towards the beach as he spoke. "I wonder if there's anyone else trying to enjoy the beach. Somehow I doubt it though...people seem to still be afraid of this world, even with how powerful we are here." Alakai himself had gotten used to it pretty much. The world was huge out there, if the game's map was anything to go by. But if they took things slowly and didn't go to high level area's too soon things would be fine. Once on the beach first looked around to make sure nothing bad was going on. But as he had suspected, the area around the town itself was empty of monsters apart from a few rather large crabs. They were harmless though, even moving to another spot the moment they noticed he and Kali were walking towards them. So it looked like things would stay peaceful for them. (Next post, with a bit of luck, I'll introduce the other people I was talking about a while back. :) )