[center][h2][color=fff79a][i]Serafina 'Ariel' Gray[/i][/color][/h2] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/uxHI5cfMr1Bcs/200.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Turning around just at the right moment as a cookie was thrown her way, Ariel caught it just in time, eating the thing whole in just two bites. The truth: she was hungry. What she wasn't going to do: eat. There was way to much excitement for such mundane things. [color=fff79a]"Jeeze Louise, Liz. Calm down, sweetie. Here's the thing. We all know that my cars going. That was decided weeks ago. I'm assuming we all don't want to be crammed, so perhaps we should just let people choose. The car that empty, you can just stick in the garage. I don't really care."[/color] She took a deep breath. As excited as she was, perhaps Liz was right. Maybe she should have mentioned this to her dad before now. Ariel quickly shrugged the thought off. Surely her father wouldn't be [i]too[/i] pissed, right? At least that's what she had to tell herself. She had indeed been pushing the boundaries her lateley. It was at that moment she cleared her mind while listening to competition that was going to be taking place between Jamie and Cass. And then their was a sudden realization that Liz and Phil had been in kahoots with each other. Ariels jaw almost dropped to the floor. Surely that wasn't true. One of the two would have spoken up by now. She moved in quickly with a cover for Lizzy and sarcastic over-exaggerated rolling of the eyes. [color=fff79a]"Oh please. Lizzy would have said something. [i]Besides[/i] they've been best friends for just as long as we have. We take up for each other, just like she does with Phil. Surely you don't expect us to all be fucking?"[/color] She gave a curt nod to Phil. Of course she didn't mind him riding along, but Jamie had called shotgun, making the girl smile. [hr][hr] [center][color=6ecff6][i][h2]Ada "AJ" Juliette Weston[/h2][/i][/color] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/rxl657ixZwgJG/200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Ada couldn't help but sit there on the couch beside Cass and laugh at her comment. [color=6ecff6]"Okay, darling, I'll give you that one. It is, indeed, a BITCHIN Camaro."[/color] Theo was heading out the door, and her closest friend, Jar, was currently being flirtatious with Jarek. In response to being called princess, she couldn't help but to blush ever so slightly. With a gentle flip of the hair, she would just simply laugh as she watched the two. Surely others had picked up on this. But then again, maybe not. The only way that Ada knew was that her and Jar was so close. She had no problem with going to a museum, not that it was her favorite thing, but hey, you live, you learn. With a quick glance over at Phil, she could tell that the sudden realization had hit him of such facts. Brushing all of that to the side, Ada practically jumped up off the couch. [color=6ecff6]"I wanna ride with Cass. But that would pretty much be taking all of the cars... but hey, as long as we get the heck outta this town, who cares?"[/color]