[center][color=FF7F50][h3]Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Jones[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yveEvKm.gif[/img] [/center] Lizzy gave her bestie a smile as he briefly rubbed her scalp yet did not follow him back. Lizzy knew Cass too well to not be surprised when she didn't take any blame, that was what she did nor did it surprise her when she snapped back, calling her 'mum' in the process. It was a common nickname given to Lizzy, almost all of her friends had used it in regards to her motherly nature toward her friends, even if she was the youngest. What she felt about such a nickname she was unsure but even she had to admit it was definitely fitting. None of Cass' actions were ones that would or could catch the tiny teen off-guard though. What did, however, was Cass' new theory. [color=firebrick]"Are you two [i][b]fucking[/b][/i]? You and [i]CHEESE[/i]? There's no way! Cheese is the type of dude that showers in a bathing suit, no way he got into your pants. Someone's got a hard on for a red head!"[/color] [color=FF7F50]"Wha-what?!"[/color] Lizzy spluttered stumbling backwards in genuine shock. Yes, her parents were sexually active at her age, Lizzy wouldn't have existed if that wasn't so, but she had no intention in following in their footsteps, she didn't even want to consider having sex at this point in her life. Whether Cass knew that or not probably didn't matter, she was going to continue to use it to rile them up and it would most probably work, Lizzy knew. The orange-haired teen recomposed herself. [color=FF7F50]"No!"[/color] she argues, allowing her voice to cxarry throughout the room. She looked Cass directly in the eyes. [color=FF7F50]"Phil and I are [i]not[/i] engaging in sexual activities! Quite frankly, Cass, I'm still a virgin. I just think visiting a museum might be interesting. If my best friend happens to be going, good for us."[/color] That was when Ariel cut in and Liz loved her for it. She walks over to Phil, standing near Ariel herself. Liz nodded at every word the girl, who might have well been her sister, said before continuing herself, looking in Cass' direction again. [color=FF7F50]"Just because Phil and I are of the opposite gender and are best friends doesn't mean we're [i]banging[/i] each other! We're not even dating,"[/color] she points out before, with a sigh, reassessing the room and those in it. Quickly Theo changed the topic, good, they did [i]not[/i] need to continue talking about this. She gave her friend a kind, grateful smile as he gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. Theo was very protective of Lizzy, being the youngest lead most of your friends to want to treat you like a younger sister, even though she acted very much like a mother to them a lot of the time.