[b][center]Tyrael Marchosias[/b][/center] Tyrael didn't do much as the demonstrations went underway. This wasn't his first time doing this act, and honestly the day has been quite long enough for him. Granted, nothing bad has happened, but he'd like nothing more than to go back to his forge and finish some requests he was commissioned to fill out. Not to mention preparing his future new students for their classes, though that's not something he felt like he'd enjoy too much. The first ones up were Serge and Xeric, Electromancy and Pyromancy respectively. Serge stepped up first, causing a thundering crack of lighting that began to magnetize nearly all the mental utensils in the. Tyrael used this opportunity to pick up a knife and carve himself a slice of cheese on bread, warming it with the Inferno so that the cheese melted and the bread was crispy. A mass thud of all the metal items falling alerted Tyrael that Serge's demonstration was over, and not Xeric was up. It wouldn't be long before it would be his turn. He just sat back and waited, munching on his dinner. [b][center]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/center] It wasn't long before Khan stood and gathered everyone's attention. It was time for the main event, the magical demonstrations. She had rehearsed many times with the others to ensure that her demonstration with Herbamancy was impressive this year; she bemoans the fact that just about every student she's taken always ended up just being gardeners, or joining her lumber union and working in the forestry industry. It's not that they skills wouldn't be put to good use there, it was just that they seemed to shoe horn themselves into supportive roles like that much too often. A quick scan across the dinning hall and she made a note that everything was still in place. As soon as her time was up, she'd begin her demonstration with a bang. [b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/b][/center] [b]"My brother? Well, he-"[/b] But before Annabeth could answer, the headmaster called them all to attention. They were about to have their demonstration, which captured Annabeth's focus. She had seen many performers at the old inn, but what would the masters show her, she wondered? What caught her attention the most, however was that the Hydromancy would not make it. Instead, the [i]Necromancy[/i] teacher, Uicle, would showcase in his stead. This confused Annabeth; she was not very educated, but she was almost certain that necromancy and hydromancy had no relationship with each other. Could Uicle possibly be someone with fabled Archanite Mageblood? She's only heard those types of people in children's tales. She suppose it shouldn't be that much of a surprise for the college to have one or two, but a master Archanite teacher... That was someone to take interest in, surely. Soon the demonstrations went under way, first with the Electromancy teacher. A loud thunderous boom occurred, and suddenly many of the metal things began to float. Annabeth's dagger was nearly lifted out of her skirt, but she managed to hold it down before it would get out of the sheath. [b]"Oh, I did not expect the teacher of electricity to do something with metal. Interesting. Now who's next...?"[/b] [b][center]Satori [/b][/center] The pinked-haired woman sat near the end of the teacher's table, chatting with Dervis Hearth about the affairs of his office and what he had planned for the demonstration. He kept the majority of the details to himself, not that it helped against Satori, who quickly picked apart his plans despite the heavy wards he placed. She had picked up e just about everyone's plans for tonight, and wanted to do her best not to show them up... Directly. Her presentation was for the students, not the teachers. And those students would be in for quite a surprise once it's her turn to show her powers and abilities.