[hider= Josiah Everett] [center][color=9b36f2][h2][I] The Insane Imitator [/I][/h2][/color][/center] [center][img] http://www.blog-city.info/en/img1/18372_anime20guy.jpg[/img][/center] [color=9b36f2]Name:[/color] Josiah Everett [color=9b36f2]Title:[/color] The Insane Imitator [color=9b36f2]Age:[/color] 17 [color=9b36f2]Gender:[/color] Male [color=9b36f2]Grade:[/color] 4th [color=9b36f2]Academy:[/color] Grand Academy of Song Knights' of Capella. [color=9b36f2]Height:[/color] 5”9 [color=9b36f2]Weight:[/color] 140 [color=9b36f2]Personality:[/color] Josiah is very polite, intelligent and reserved in his social endeavors. Looking at him, he seems very high class, the suit and tie kind of man. In social environments, he is quiet and most of the time, hangs back against a wall somewhere to people watch. If someone comes up to him, he would smile invitingly and ask them how their day is going. He is always calm, cool and collected on the outside. He can be a little paranoid at times. When he finds himself in an uncomfortable situations, such as someone asking him about his past, questioning his sanity, or confronting him physically, he may fidget, sweat a little. In conversation with someone he is not familiar with, he may stutter. For the most part, he collected and logical. He knows what he wants and how to get it. From anyone. . . [color=9b36f2]History:[/color] Josiah’s family has always been filthy rich. They still are and always will be. His college education is paid for in full and he will never have to work a day in his life. However, the wealthiness of his family came with a price on his childhood. His parents gave him whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it, except for one thing, their affection. He either sat in his giant room all by himself, wandered their mansion in search of another human spirit to interact with or was out with his one friend, who was a poor boy from school. His parents were never home; they were always out at community dinners, with their other rich friends or simply out partying leaving Josiah alone at the house to do whatever he wanted and fend for himself. Now normally this would be any child’s dream but when you’ve lived out your entire life with no sort of affection from your parents, you wish for nothing more than their presence. [color=9b36f2]Instrument and Weapons:[/color] French horn and Crossbow with whistling arrows. [color=9b36f2]Magic:[/color] [b][color=9b36f2] Voice Mock and Projection [/color][/b] Josiah has the ability to perfectly mimic other’s voices. His ability works perfectly from up to 10 miles away. Any distances after that, the quality of his power becomes weaker and the voice could be distorted or not as accurate. However, what he says cannot be directly violent. He can hint at violent acts but he cannot per say, trick someone by using his power into hurting someone else. If the person he is trying to fool is thinking about a certain person and he chooses to activate his power, the voice will be heard in the person’s mind. If the person is having a conversation with someone and Josiah decides to activate his power, the person could be deceived in two different ways. If Josiah wants to make something said that was never said, the mysterious voice would be heard coming directly out of the person’s mouth. The fake speaker would have no idea this was happening. If the person whose voice he was mimicking was already talking at the time and Josiah wanted to manipulate the other person taking part in the conversation, the voice would be heard from another direction, causing the manipulated person to turn around or be very confused as to where the voice is coming from. The only hole in his power would be if he has never heard the person's voice before. His more minor power pertains to his spirit's element. He can administer a shock wave to the ground that causes earthquake like symptoms. [center][color=9b36f2][h2][I] The Deceiver [/I][/h2][/color][/center] [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Cenk93zlS-b3wP6aIvzuE1udxju6r9nBvxNy0bBJ5jRml-MEaAX_xXlnWpLilB8pi-oE=w300 [/img][/center] [color=9b36f2]Name:[/color] Akari [color=9b36f2]Title:[/color] The Deceiver [color=9b36f2]Gender:[/color] Female [color=9b36f2]Element:[/color] Air and Dark [color=9b36f2]Rank:[/color] C [color=9b36f2]Height:[/color] 6 inches [color=9b36f2]Weight:[/color] about the weight of an iPhone [color=9b36f2]Personality:[/color] Akari is very temperamental and can be quite mean at times. She doesn’t show her emotions very well and won’t admit it but she is very attached to Josiah. She gets worked up very easily and often times Josiah has to hold her back from using her powers on innocent people just to take out her frustrations. She is not very intelligent and uses her beauty to her advantage to help Josiah in his manipulation powers. [color=9b36f2]Powers:[/color] [color=9b36f2][b] Five Second Trance: [/b][/color] Pretty self explanatory, Akari can use her dark magic to put someone in a timeless trance for five seconds Just long enough for Josiah to either gather his thoughts, prepare a voice mock or simply for his/her own amusement. [color=9b36f2][b]Invisibility: [/b][/color] Again, pretty self explanatory. This power can only last for up to five minutes and can only be activated when she is within 15 feet from Josiah [/hider]