[b]"Tis been a long day, Miss Scarlet."[/b] Daniel spoke, allowing some of the weariness to drip into his tone. [b]"Many thanks fer t' tea..."[/b] Caution still vibrated at the back of his mind but he pushed it aside. If they really intended to kill him, the crew or Avery would have run him through by now. [b]"...Me thinks a good night o' rest will do th' trick."[/b] Daniel yawned. He may have given a bit of trust to the crew, but there was no way he was going to give over all of his thoughts. Especially since his yearning was less than gentlemanly. It bothered him that some lifestyle habbits of the pirates culture had become normal, in a way, to him. It made him feel like less of a gentleman. [b]"G'night Miss Scarlet, ye are aware o' where I be come mornin' should ye need me services."[/b] With that Daniel encouraged her out the door, both glad to have a temptation further away from him but kicking himself for it at the same time. He had learned through watching other men get ripped apart by engaging with too many women at once and from the occasional church sermon not to get involved with the other sex unless you mean it, or unless you pick one brothel girl to frequent. Daniel drank the warm water that he had quickly steeped a small portion of tea in, an English comfort that was for sure. With one last swig of rum, the tartness of both blending oddly in his mouth, he swung into bed. The massive vessel had barely crested over two waves before he was sound asleep and awaiting dawn. Dreams came to Daniel that night for the first time in many months. Dreams so sweet he would never utter to a soul and would unfortunately come to forget eventually, left with only the memory that they were very sweet dreams.