Scarlet nodded and smiled, heading for the door. "If you need anything, just ask me love, alright? Have a good night, Doctor" She closed the door and looked over at the shadow near her. "you were right...the look was there but he didn't act on it. What do you think it means?" Avery walked out of the shadows, frowning. "It means his keeping himself in check...he still doesn't have trust enough to relax...not that I blame him. I need to learn how he ended up on that ship in the first place...its the only way I can help him...thank you for your help Scarlet" The cook smiled and said "Of course, Captain. I am a little bummed he didn't act on his feelings...his cute" She giggled and headed off the to kitchen, Avery looking in the window of the medical bay, thinking. "Maybe you could be the answer I have been looking for, Doctor...the way to end this course..." The next morning the crew was in full gear on repairs and getting everything back to normal on the ship. Bane was waiting outside the weapons room, tapping his foot. "Iris...I'm not leaving until you come out need to see the doctor. You promised you would get that knee looked at" There was a slam and the door opened, Iris standing there in pants and wrappings covering her lady parts. "I have too much to do this morning to lay on a table and have my knee poked" Bane frowned and said "Iris..." Avery was sitting in her cabin, the charts in front of her but she wasn't looking at them. She was looking out the window, lost in thought