Daniel awoke to the clattering of the crew. The ship was coming awake with the sunrise as it should and having slept his fill, so would he. After getting dressed and putting a little gift together for Iris he ventured out of the medical 'cabin'. The breeze this morning was much calmer, still sending loose bits of hair dancing about his head but not with the same force an he had previously experienced. [b]"Mornin' te ye."[/b] he called to Bane and what looked like a rather agitated Iris. [b]"Brought'a gift."[/b] he continued looking somewhat pointedly at the woman who seemed to posses quite the temper. He made yet another note not to piss her off. Daniel held his gift up for both Iris and Bane to see. It was a small bucket with some containers and a cloth inside. [b]"Now, shall I show ye what yer suppos'' t' do wi'' this? Or would ye prefer me t' leave it 'ere with ye?"[/b] Daniel posed the question politely but he could not resist teasing Iris just a bit. He realized he was poking the bear as he spoke, so he expected some flare of temper but knowing full well that she would have to have him show her what to do with what he brought. An amused glint sparkled in the corner of Bane's eye.