[center] [color=DarkSlateGray][h1][i]Aya Kagamine[/i][/h1][/color][hr][hr][b]• Midnight Mayhem •[/b][hr][hr][/center] After about ten minutes jotting down notes in a muddled mess of poorly written hiragana and barely readable English, and another ten minutes trying to down her cappuccino without setting fire to her insides, Aya began to feel that her stay in the outside world was becoming too long for her liking. It was already ten minutes to ten - twenty minutes after she had arrived at Mochavine - and the effects of the coffee were beginning to send her mind into a complete caffeine clusterfuck. As much as Aya liked her midnight college study buddy, it seemed that other people handled a cup of coffee much better than she ever would. Her eyelids felt like they were being stretched to the size of a shower drain, and it didn't look like they would be shutting closed any time soon. Her mind called for sleep, but the caffeine called for a midnight march down the streets of Shine City. With a groan escaping her lips, it was clear the woman wasn't keen on taking another leg-exhausting walk. In the dark and in this chili weather, too. Of course, it wasn't bitter winter cold outside, but it was cold enough to make Aya tug at her not-so-long-enough beige sleeves. Shine City was a totally different landscape during the night hours; it was just like some neon rainbow light show on a much larger scale. Grand city scale, to be exact. The lights of Shine Junction blinded Aya's grey eyes, and rather than sending them into a helpless squint, they widened to a size that she didn't think was even possible. At this point in time and the crazy coffee state she was in, it wouldn't be surprising to see the woman experiencing and epileptic seizure in front of a restaurant window. She then reached in to her satchel and rummaged around for something, continuously shaking it to her that familiar jingling sound of her apartment keys. Aya might as well check for them now in advance, especially when the realisation of being out alone at night had just come to her. Only thing was, she couldn't hear any jingling or jangling. [color=DarkSlateGray][b][i]No. This cannot be happening.[/i][/b][/color] Running over to a small rail she placed her bag on it and did a thorough search through each and every pocket there was. She even attempted to reach into her God awful fake skirt pockets, which, of course, didn't turn out so well. The search lasted about five minutes, but there was no such luck. It was at this moment that Aya made the decision to kick a poor coke can into an alleyway, only to worry a second later if she would actually get fined for littering or not. Getting into trouble for such things was just a bother, even if she did happen to start the whole ordeal in the first place. Oh how tempted she was to just haul that trash bin onto the road in rage. She could have been in bed by now, snoozing off until ten the next morning! Well, now that she was practically locked out until she figured a way to break into her apartment, Aya decided it was time to relieve herself from her coffee consumption through a simple stroll. Again. And a time to reflect on everything. [i]Everything.[/i] Like when she almost tripped over that man's dog. And when she chased after those pigeons. And when she got a bit too angry at the blue haired lady. And when she scuttled off and went overboard on a minor shopping trip. And all those other events that could have happened in the past. But didn't. Oh, it was going to be one of those nights. A night where she would reflect on everything, and a night where she would vaguely remember anything (the next morning). A few minutes later, Shiny Park came into view, living up to its name with the glowing golden lamps flashing through the darkness. Aya would then plop herself on a bench in the bare shop window's line of sight, just so she was aware to not stride too deep into this sombre scene of the park. Eyes closed, with a slow inhale, she leaned her head back, then exhaled. She couldn't get a proper glimpse of the night sky behind those dark clouds, though. All the light from above had been extinguished. [color=DarkSlateGray][i]Clouds gathering, Stars scattering, A night of nothingness.[/i][/color]