[i][u][b]Player Created Lore[/b][/u][/i] Pokemon Rangers[hider]Credit: [@Aphelion][@Loony] Rangers are an independent organization of the Pokemon League (Gym Leaders and the Elite Four). They are the police force of the world and protect Pokemon and the environment. In states of emergency, they would act in cooperation with the Pokemon League but would remain their own entity. In some cases, they could even recruit the Pokemon League to lead missions in order to protect the region in which they are stationed. They only keep one Pokemon as their partner, but there are always exceptions to this, but only for unusual and rare cases. Initial Ranks: Student - Those who have yet to pass the initial training. Area - Those who have passed the initial training. When appointed to the rank of Area Ranger, the individual learns the basics of each Division. The Ranking Officers take into account the individual's talents and skills and also their opinion when deciding which Division in which to place them. [color=a0410d][u][b]Land Rangers[/b][/u][/color] make up the bulk of the whole Ranger Organization. They specialize in forests and grasslands. However, they may be deployed to any terrain should the Ranger be skilled enough and the mission calls for such a decision. Their partners typically have the most diverse typing. Land Rangers have created sub-division colloquialisms to further distinguish themselves from one another. Ranks: Lieutenant - Major - General Hoenn Headquarters: Rustboro City [color=00aeef][u][b]Sea Rangers[/b][/u][/color] work both on and under the open oceans as well as large lakes and rivers. Their partners are usually confined to the sea. They have special gear that allows them to swim deep underwater with their partners and have almost no hindrances in extreme depths. Ranks: Captain - Commander - Admiral Hoenn Base: Pacifidlog Town [color=fff79a][u][b]Air Rangers[/b][/u][/color] work high above the lands. They are usually deployed for recon and intelligence-gathering, but there are few that specialize in neutralizing threats. Their partners are usually not very effective on the ground. These Rangers also have special gear to allow them to soar into altitudes unforgiving of humans. Ranks: Keeper - Sentinel - Watcher Hoenn Base: Fortree City [color=00a651][u][b]Marine Rangers[/b][/u][/color], colloquially titled as "mudders" by other divisions, work the seacoasts. Their missions are usually reactionary for Sea and/or Land Rangers. Their partners are usually amphibious or have great use both in the sea and on land. Because of the nature of their missions, Marine Rangers are trained with greater physical intensity than other divisions. Ranks: Corporal - Sergeant - Colonel Hoenn Base: Dewford Town [u][b][color=92278f]Zephyr Rangers[/color][/b][/u] are stationed in the skies over the sea. Their partners can alight onto the water and provide assistance to both the Sea and Air divisions. They specialize in tactics and adaptability and are trained in more intellectual means of preservation. Ranks: Ensign - Bulwark - Conserve Hoenn Base: Sootopolis City [color=f7941d][u][b]Gale Rangers[/b][/u][/color] work between the land and the skies above. They are usually found upon mountains, flying across deserts and above forests. They are second in physical capabilities, after Marines, and specialize in hitting hard and escaping quickly. This division is the least populous and most have partners of the Dragon typing. Ranks: Sentry - Chief - Warden Hoenn Base: Lavaridge Town/Mt. Chimney Within each region, only five individuals may hold the title of the highest of each rank at any one time. There is only a single "Grand" of each division, which is elected from the existing highest-ranking officers. The Grand may promote any from the second-highest to the highest rank when one retires or dies. Each "Grand" of a region then votes with the others of the other divisions to promote one of them to "Master." This Master keeps their position title but also acts as the representative of all Rangers within that particular region. For example: There are five Generals. These five General then elect, from among themselves, a Grand General. This Grand General then promotes an existing Major to maintain the number of five Generals. If, at any point, an existing General dies or retires, the Grand General then elects an existing Major to fill the vacant position. If, at any point, an existing Grand General dies or retires, the existing Generals then elect a Grand General from among themselves. This is consistent within all Divisions. The Grand General, Admiral, Watcher, Colonel, Conserve, and Warden elect, from amongst themselves, a Master to represent the whole of their region's Rangers. If the Grand General is elected this position, his title would change to Master General, and thus be referred to as such by all other Rangers across all ranks and divisions. In a state of emergency, the Master General, in this case, would be able to assume command of all divisions. Otherwise, they are merely an ambassador and representative. The Master General can also be impeached, or forced to resign, by a unanimous vote of all the current Grands of that region. Grands can be impeached, or forced to resign, by a unanimous vote of all the current highest ranking officers of that particular division. Current Officers (PC and NPC)[hider]-Hoenn- [color=a0410d]Master General[/color] Richard Hardy [Phoenix][hider]Age: 52 Pokemon: Machamp, Poliwhirl, Primeape, Hariyama[/hider][color=a0410d]Grand General[/color] Vivian Lacrosse [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/4tFYyaS.png?2[/img] A foul mouthed, ill tempered woman who likes to call people “sweetie” and “darling” while she lashes them with harsh words. She is extremely protective of the Hoenn Rangers and dislikes any foreign interference in her region. Her Pokemon is a Shiny Arcanine.[/hider][color=00a651]Sergeant[/color] Franklin Broadson [Phoenix] -Kalos- [color=a0410d]Lieutenant[/color] Holly Bright [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/IW9uUG7.jpg?1[/img] A bubbly and intelligent young woman who is an atypical candidate for being a Land Ranger. She loves technology and is personally on this mission in order to restore tech to Hoenn in any way she can. She can get disheartened if things don't go her way. Her role in group is more superfluous, but she and her Metagross are more than capable of holding their own in battle. Pokemon: Metagross[/hider][color=00aeef]Captain[/color] Lain Ickeringill [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/L1zDz6A.jpg?1[/img] A very single minded man who only has eyes for the ocean. He can get quickly riled up to anger, but is somewhat of a coward when facing confrontation. He prefers to think about his battles before engaging in them. When in battle, he is the group's “control”, or support, and he uses his Cloyster to the best of her abilities. Pokemon: Cloyster[/hider][color=fff79a]Grand Watcher[/color] Argenta Lambert [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xq2qO7b.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 34 Argenta Lambert is young for a Grand Watcher, but makes up for her age with her passion for her work. She is rather serious and focused. However, she cares deeply for her Rangers. It was she who implored Zachary Moreau to give Eloise the special task of finding one of her missing Rangers, Erik Falston.[/hider][color=fff79a]Keeper[/color] Virgil Moon [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/jw7q8BX.jpg?2[/img] Virgil can appreciate anything he finds beautiful, whether that is a person, a Pokemon, or something he has found in nature. His shy personality is hard to get through at first, but underneath all that shyness is a sassy individual. He is known for being somewhat crude and dark when he's comfortable with the people he's around. He acts as the group's camper, scanner, and recon along with his Noctowl. Pokemon: Noctowl[/hider][color=fff79a]Keeper[/color] Erik Falston [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/XIcWYEX.jpg[/img] Erik Falston is a ladies man who is quick to laugh and joke, and he oozes charm. He joined the Rangers to escape his corrupt rich family and was constantly ragged on by the other Rangers for "being a rich boy" during his initial training period as a Student. Eloise Fenmar was the only one who ignored his background and became friends with him during that time, for which he has been eternally grateful. Upon graduating to an Area Ranger, however, he began to make a plethora of friends, but he and Eloise remained very close. He was sent out on a mission to scout Hoenn and survey the situation with Team Zodiac but has been missing since.[/hider][color=92278f]Master Conserve[/color] Claudia Linne [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/f2QsFZl.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 71 Claudia Linne is a very calculating and intelligent woman with no room for dilly-dallying, and doesn't appreciate anyone, or anything, that wastes her time. She is usually seen as prim and proper, but those who know her know she has a wicked sense of humor underneath her straight-laced exterior.[/hider][color=92278f]Ensign[/color] Hughes Campbell [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/Nqqwv7w.jpg?1[/img] Hughes is a vulgar man who likes to self-medicate with booze, smokes, or food and is rarely seen without one of the three at hand. He takes the lead on situations and the others in the group follow him, more or less. He is extremely fit and likes to flaunt that fact at every available moment – he's your typical jock mentality. He and his Swanna act as the group's “wall” in battle, soaking damage or preventing it from reaching their teammates. Pokemon: Swanna[/hider][color=f7941d]Grand Warden[/color] Zachary Moreau [Aphelion][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/ugQ4ni8.jpg?1[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 45 Zachary Moreau is a man of intimidating stature. but, after the initial shock of meeting him, people realize that he's rather easy going, all things considered. He springs into action at the opportune times, and keeps the respect of his lower ranked officers by action rather than words. He is known to be in good-standing with Grand Watcher Argenta Lambert.[/hider][color=f7941d]Sentry[/color] Eloise Fenmar [Aphelion][/hider][/hider] Fairfax Association[hider]credit to [@Jonnyh447] Joseph Fairfax III[hider]Being the head of the industries of the Fairfax Association meant that Joseph was always too busy to spend time with his children when they were growing up. He is a proud and traditional man who is known to work particularly hard at striving for perfection. Since birth, Joseph was the heir apparent to the Fairfax Association and was treated as such; he was taught from the most well-known and highly rated scholars. It didn't take long before he was ready to assume his role as President of Fairfax Association. Keeping the Fairfax family on the forefront of technology has been easy for Joseph up until Zodiac arrived. Threatening to undo over a hundred years of his family's hard work, he's going to show this gang of ne'er-do-wells precisely what happens to people who stand in the way of the Fairfaxes. He is a large and imposing man. When Joseph speaks, men have a tendency to listen and fall in line. Though many years of leadership have taken their toll on the old man, he still appears spritely and powerful. His hair is beginning to grey and he is always clean shaven. He always wears a smart suit, usually in a dark blue or black with an accompanying royal blue or crimson red tie. He also wears thick, horn-rimmed glasses that are black in colour. Joseph could go from having the most joyous expression in his eye to making men cower in a single, stern look. Joseph worked his hardest and expected the same from his workers. He wasn't above exploding at one or two of them if they weren't up for getting their hands dirty. And through the early years of his Fairfax reign, Joseph got in his fair share of fights.[/hider]Marilda Fairfax[hider]A calculating and scheming work partner. A protective and loving mother. Despite all of her husband's knowledge and power, the Fairfax family wouldn't be what it was today if it wasn't for Marilda. When Joseph would be pushing his inventors and tinkerers harder and striving for perfection amongst his products, Marilda would ensure that any ambitious families that desired power beyond their means were quickly reminded who's truly in control of Hoenn's industry. Marilda never gets her hands dirty. She only needs to say the word and one of her servants will carry word to her husband. Before long, whatever's troubling the self-appointed queen of Fairfax will no longer be a concern. This meant she always had plenty of time for her children as they grew up, and, for all the time they missed with their father, Marilda would be there. Marilda is a petite thing who, unlike her husband, has aged well and is always complimented on how youthful and beautiful she looks for her age. She has beaming blue eyes that entice anyone she meets to open up to her. Also unlike her husband, Marilda has a good sense of fashion and loves keeping up with the industry. Often sporting bright and flashy colours, she likes grandiose. Her auburn hair is often shaped in the wackiest style the fashion world will allow and she loves to wear silver jewelry, lots and lots of silver jewelry.[/hider]Joseph Fairfax IV[hider]Eldest son. Reincarnate of Joseph, minus the supreme intelligence. "Joseph Junior" (Jo-Ju), or Joey as his brothers call him, was also groomed to be the Fairfax successor as he was growing up, just like his father. Unlike his predecessor, though, Joey never seemed to have a moment of genius or great command of the workers. All he cares about is his father's approval. And although he's not the bluntest tool in the shed, Joey is pretty easy to manipulate to people who know of his need to make his father proud. He fights for what he believes are his father's ideals, and, although he's usually right, he has felt the wrath of his father on more than one occasion (usually for his strategy, or lack thereof). He has inherited his father's size on the other hand. Often wearing smart-casual, Joey himself is torn between his father's super slick, business-man style and his brother's, Maxwell, super casual, laid back style. Like his father, Joey looked as though he belonged in a bar fight. A wonky nose and devilish eyes, that, with a stare could make even the terrifying Haunter think twice about crossing him. Ears that stick out a little too much and an overwhelming lack of symmetry between all aforementioned features creates a curious portrait between himself and his father.[/hider]Maxwell Fairfax II[hider]The second son, intelligent, fiery. He was named after his great-great grandfather. Some joke that Maxwell stole Joey's intelligence in the womb. The second son was twice as bright and loved to fight. Max is typically more reserved and especially more judgmental of others than his two brothers (he doesn't consider Jonton a brother). Often refusing to battle with those he doesn't deem worthy, his quietly confident persona can get nasty pretty quick. Maxwell has a slightly larger than average build, but, for the most part, looks the size of a normal person. He is fair like his mother, having inherited her red hair and blue eyes, the eyes for fashion. To his brothers, Maxwell is the lucky one who got all the good genes. He wears whatever he likes and makes it look great. Max wears his hair however he likes and looks great and even gets everyone to listen to him... While looking great.[/hider]Jonton Fairfax[hider]The bastard son of Joseph Fairfax, vengeful and cruel. People theorise about what sort of beast made Joseph III forget his vows at Slateport all those years ago. Jonton was near double the size of his siblings despite being many years younger. Also, unlike his half brothers, Jonton was particularly ugly. These things combined often lead to him being the odd one out, and his older brothers would always be quick to let him know it. Disappeared from Rustboro at the age of nineteen to start his own association, except unlike Fairfax Industries, this venture wouldn't be legitimate and would have only one goal: the destruction of the Fairfax family and the seizure of their land and goods. Jonton is grotesquely ugly when compared to his legitimate brothers. He has a thin, curved scar running from his right eye to beneath his chin. He shaves his head bald, including his eyebrows. He is twice the size of most men and has all of his father's wonky facial features. He also wears a smart suit in mockery of his father, even when he's doing dirty work.[/hider]Hartwin Fairfax[hider]Always described as a giving, considerate, well-natured man, the youngest of the Fairfax brood also happened to be the easiest to get along with. Hartwin detested his older brothers' constant bullying of Jonton but always felt powerless to stop it, until it was too late and Jonton had left. This regret caused Hartwin to promise himself that he would become a great Pokemon trainer. However, always being left with the mundane work that his brothers didn't want to do meant that Hartwin never had the time to fulfill the promise. With a deep underlying regret for not being the man he set out to be, Hartwin always loves a good underdog story and keeps happy through the accomplishments of others. Just your typical average joe. Hartwin the Average. Pretty ugly, dull brown hair with no facial hair. Wears glasses with circle rims and smokes cigars a lot. Has the respect of workers as opposed to their fear. He has a bald patch on the back of his head and so has taken to wearing a wide-brimmed bowler hat and usually wears a shoddy suit of brown or grey.[/hider][/hider] Contests[hider]WIP[/hider] Kalos[hider]Credit: [@Aphelion] [b][u]Kalos Map Notes[/u][/b] This list is up for editing/collaboration as necessary. [b][u]Frost Cavern[/u][/b] In the last three years the caverns have become dangerous terrain for people and Pokemon. Collapsed tunnels have caused the deepest parts of the cavern to be entirely inaccessible. However rumors have begun that people have seen strange illusions and lights as they navigate as far as humanly possible into the cavern before they are forced to turn back. [b][u]Aegisholme[/u][/b] [i]A city created by [@Aphelion][/i] A remote castle-city located in the mountains near Frost Cavern. It is overseen by the Council of Five. It's coat of arms is an Aegislash's shield with a Doublade crossing in front of it. The residents of the city live a simpler lifestyle than those of other people in Kalos, and thrive on medieval practices such as swordplay, jousting, and chivalry. Pokemon that are kept most frequently in the city are the Honedge evolutionary line, which is the most popular, Ice, Fire, and other Ghost type Pokemon. [b][u]Dendemille Town[/u][/b] Since the move of the Ranger Headquarters into the nearby Lost Hotel, Dendemille Town has grown quite a lot from the Ranger's patronage as well as the steady influx of tourists coming through. This increase in population has given Dendemille Town several new features, including a Battle Arena that the local Rangers frequent to spar with each other, and with locals or tourists, for fun and practice. [b][u]Kalos Culture Notes[/u][/b] The Kalosian language is a lilting and sensual sounding language which is pleasing to the ears. It's speakers tend to have higher pitched voices, including the men. In relation to Earth's languages, it is a mixture of French, Spanish, and Italian. The residents of Kalos tend to appreciate beauty and diligence, and are usually quite welcoming. [b][u]Kalos Ranger Information[/u][/b] In Kalos, the Rangers are a highly respected and even expected entity that polices the land regularly to ensure the safety of those within. Their presence in Kalos has made the region's actual police force into something of a joke, and typically only those who fail their Ranger Training join the regular task force. Their gain in power and influence within Kalos is due to the current Master Conserve. The Ranger Headquarters were located in Camphrier Town for the longest time. Three years ago, they seized the Lost Hotel and have made it their current Ranger Headquarters. Nobody knows for sure why they made such a drastic change, but residents of Dendemille Town appreciate the Rangers chasing off the ruffians who used to congregate there. [b][u]Current Officers (PC and NPC)[/u][/b] [list] [*]Master Conserve Claudia Linne (NPC)[hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/f2QsFZl.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 71 Claudia Linne is a very calculating and intelligent woman with no room for dilly-dallying, and doesn't appreciate anyone, or anything, that wastes her time. She is usually seen as prim and proper, but those who know her know she has a wicked sense of humor underneath her straight-laced exterior.[/hider] [*]Grand Warden Zachary Moreau (NPC) [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/ugQ4ni8.jpg?1[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 45 Zachary Moreau is a man of intimidating stature. bBut, after the initial shock of meeting him, people realize that he's rather easy going, all things considered. He springs into action at the opportune times, and keeps the respect of his lower ranked officers by action rather than words. He is known to be in good-standing with Grand Watcher Argenta Lambert.[/hider] [*]Grand Watcher Argenta Lambert (NPC) [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xq2qO7b.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 34 Argenta Lambert is young for a Grand Watcher, but makes up for her age with her passion for her work. She is rather serious and focused. However, she cares deeply for her Rangers. It was she who implored Zachary Moreau to give Eloise the special task of finding one of her missing Rangers, Erik Falston.[/hider] [*]Keeper Erik Falston (NPC) [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/XIcWYEX.jpg[/img] Erik Falston is a ladies man who is quick to laugh and joke, and he oozes charm. He joined the Rangers to escape his corrupt rich family and was constantly ragged on by the other Rangers for "being a rich boy" during his initial training period as a Student. Eloise Fenmar was the only one who ignored his background and became friends with him during that time, for which he has been eternally grateful. Upon graduating to an Area Ranger, however, he began to make a plethora of friends, but he and Eloise remained very close. He was sent out on a mission to scout Hoenn and survey the situation with Team Zodiac but has been missing since.[/hider] [*]Sentry Eloise Fenmar (PC) [@Aphelion] [/list][/hider]