[b]"Aye, yer talents be opposite to mine but we both be needed aboard."[/b] He said to Iris, attempting to acknowledge her skill as well as tone down her temper. For all his amusement in teasing, an agitated patient does not learn what they are supposed to. [b]"Shall we?"[/b] He said, motioning to a nearby crate. Under Bane's watchful eye Daniel showed Iris how to use the bucket to strengthen her knee, extending it slowly with the handle balancing across the top of her ankle. The idea was to strengthen her knee so that everything else will get held in place. [b]"As i' gets easier, ye add small items t' th' bucket t' make it heavier and harder. An do i' on both yer legs, less one be stronger than th' other."[/b] Daniel then showed Iris, what was in the container. [b]"'Tis poppy leaves, Ye can make a tea out o' this or much th' leaf. It be fer pain and it be more potent than a dram. S' be careful but if it be hurting too much ye can have a small bit."[/b] Taking out a bit of the plant from the container, he showed Iris what he meant by a small amount. Next was the cloth and rope. [b]"Before ye try the poppy, try a warm cloth on the knee and [i]rest[/i]. Th' rope is t' tie the warm cloth on if ye need t' get up an go."[/b] Daniel instructed. ~~~ Amelia stirred in her sleep, the movement of Scarlet working in her kitchen breaking through her dreamscape. The sounds caused the events of the previous day to reel throuogh her mind. She rolled over, unwanting to face another day at Sea while consumed by a moment of hopelessness and helplessness.