[hider=Character Sheet] [h1][color=aba000]Ayumu Takamiya[/color][/h1] [i]"No one man can win a war. No army can win a war with one weapon. Only when all available resources are utilized to their fullest can you truly succeed."[/i] [hr] [h2]Biographical Information[/h2] [list] [*]Chronological Age: 19 [*]Physical Age: approx. 17 [*]Status: Active [*]Weight: approx. 130 lbs [*]Height: 6'1" [*]Gender: Male [*]Eye Color: Hazel [*]Hair Color: Brunet [*]Physical Build: Slender [*]Grade: C1 [*]Distinguishable Features [list] [*]Bright green leather jacket [/list][/list] [h2]Background[/h2] Ayumu is a student prodigy at Genryoukan (is it still called that? I don't know). Gifted with genius-level intelligence, he easily glided through his high school years at the top of his class. Unsatisfied with the direction that the structure of the Factions seemed to be heading in, Ayumu formed his own faction - Zodiac - in order to shift the balance of the war game. During his early high school years Ayumu typically separated himself from others, finding no interest in associating with people unable to match his intellect. However, in his Junior year he found that people with unique talents could be just as interesting. Banding together those that had valuable skills, but lacked confidence in themselves as a whole, Ayumu formed a Faction that could bring out the best in all of its members and give them their rightful taste of success. Ayumu's faction saw through the rise of Masquerade and the fall of many others around it, prompting him to reassess his goals. He now strives to ensure that no faction gains a significant lead in dominating the school, throwing all of his resources into keeping a balance. [h2]Personality[/h2] At a glance, Ayumu tends to come across as cold, calculating, and condescending. With little regard for those around him, he won't hesitate to let his intellect show and to ensure that all facts are presented in a careful and accurate manner. That being said, he'll very rarely butt into a conversation he isn't already a part of, and prefers to only speak when spoken to. Ayumu is not above or against debating with his peers, and always manages to do so in a calm, professional way. He has remarkable control of his temper, and always goes about his day with an air of refinement. To his faction, however, Ayumu is a very different person. Above all else, Ayumu keeps the needs of his allies in mind, and will go out of his way to be considerate and accommodating. Unlike many in his position, he can be described as ruling with anything but an iron fist, treating Zodiac as a community rather than a militant organization. All Zodiac members are equals in his eyes, despite his emphasis on rank; doing so is merely for organizational purposes, as he will often stress. He firmly believes that hard work deserves to be rewarded, and will do everything he can to bring out the best in those that would follow him. [h2]Abilities/Weaponry[/h2] Ayumu's claim to fame is near-superhuman intellect, often suspected to be of psionic origin (though this has never been confirmed). He is capable of analyzing any situation and calculating all of the most reasonable outcomes in a matter of seconds. This allows him to react exceptionally quickly in combat, always planning numerous steps ahead of his opponents. He practices swiftness and finesse, aiming to defeat his enemies before they can land a single blow. While rather frail, and with a low tolerance to pain, Ayumu has low-mid level training in mixed martial arts, allowing him to make up for his lack of strength with slightly above average fighting skill. His weapons of choice are the Mantis Stingers. Custom made by Zodiac engineers, the Mantis Stingers are gold lined twin hidden blades with integrated electromagnetic pellet shooters. Ayumu is most often seen with his hands in his jacket pockets, and will begin fights with kicks, shoulder tackles, etc. Only when he needs to will he unleash the Mantis Stingers, using their steel cored rubber bullets to incapacitate his opponents from a distance with precisely calculated aim, and the blades to counter his opponents' own weapons. Despite having low physical durability, Ayumu possesses incredible stamina, allowing him to outlast most opponents in wars of attrition. He can move at top speeds with no signs of slowing for the majority of most battles. Outside of combat, Ayumu's high intelligence and academic prowess are put to use for tactical organization. Planning for each outcome of each action, Ayumu leads his faction on a careful and calculated path to victory. [/hider] Everything should be in order here. I imagine the history hasn't changed much, if at all, so I left that section untouched. The "Appearance" section can be brought over upon request to compensate for the lack of an image.