Bane sighed as he left, Iris frowning. "Cap was right...his closed off...maybe it was unwise to bring him into the fold..." Iris said, looking at her knee and the tools she had been given. Bane shook his head, watching Daniel leave them. "No...if I know the captain...she knows all too well what she is getting into with him...besides...I have a feeling he has his reasons to keep it all locked away." Scarlet smiled and said "Clear skies and a crew working hard so they will need their food soon. I just need a little help with finishing up. Do you think you can help me with that?" Avery was working on the charts on her desk, a pot of tea by her side. She rubbed her eyes, looking tired. She paused and said "I don't mind you being here, but don't hide in the dark, Sage. It puts me on edge" She heard a chuckled and a figure in black walked out, all in black and silver clothing, tight robes of some kind. Their face was covered as well, only bright green eyes showing thru the mask. "Forgive me, my captain. I didn't want to bother you..." She leaned back and asked "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in days" The man walked forward and bowed his head. "I was being your eyes and ears, my captain...and learning all I could. And I return to you with your new target" He walked over and placed a letter on her desk. She picked it up and read it over, a frown on her lips. "This is concerning...I was hoping they hadn't picked any of the pieces up..." Sage nodded and said "I fear we will have to face the good guys after all, my captain"