[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img][/center] [hr] Alex sat by as the room slowly filled with people. He watched as Cass and who he assumed to be Jamie, he had only heard a breif discription of him from Ariel a few weeks ago, came into the room followed by Jarvis and Phillip. When he heard Cass and Phillip make their comments about each other Alex almost said something but chose not to deciding it wouldn't be the nest course of action. When Jarvis came over to the cookies and addressed Theo and him, Alex just responded with a head nod and wave of the hand. Then he heard Phillip make a retort to Jamie as well with which Jamie made a response. Alex really hoped that these three didn't act like this the whole trip or he would feel obligated to do something. When Ada came in Alex still sat back and didn't speak to anyone. He liked this. He didn't have to worry about talking during the trip because the room was filling with lots of speakers. When Jarek walked in and picked up Jarvis Alex wasn't surprised at all. Those two seemed like the best of friends and Alex didn't think anything would be able to change that. Noticing that everyone who Ariel told him would be here had shown up, Alex started his usual inner dialogue on each individual. First was Ariel, who he called Little Mermaid. Out of all the people in the room she was the person he was probably closest to and that's saying something. She is one of the few he can open up to and just talk. She understands that he doesn't like talking about things the way most people do and when they do talk it's not just things like how ones day is going. He also watches her YouTube videos despite not liking the same kind of music to the extent that she does. He even reads her blog from time to time but hasn't told her that. He can tell she is hiding something from people but has no idea what. By his nature he will probably never ask mainly because he has his own secrets and feels if she tells him hers that he should tell her his. Which he won't do. Not because he doesn't appreciate her as a friend but because he doesn't want to load her down with the pain he feels inside. He then turned to the older sister of one of his better friends. Alex met Lizzy, who he prefers to call Momma Jones due to her motherly nature, and her brother because of Ariel. Alex started spending time with Josh mainly because he clicked a lot better with those younger than him. Alex felt that most his age would always forget him or just ditch him. With kids though they tended to look up to Alex not just because of his height though. Alex always loves to be that older brother type. With Josh and Ariel every now and then saying something about Lizzy, Alex really doesn't know what to think about her. Alex does feel like the two of them are somewhat like the mother and father of the group yet not. She will be a soothing yet authoritative hand depending on the situation, and he will, really only if asked, give the fatherly like advice while making sure they don't get everyone in trouble. Alex usually leaves the chaos control to Lizzy though opting to only intervene when things get really bad. Next he turned his attention to Theo, who he called Pres. This guy liked to get high just like Alex. On adrenaline I mean. Alex just wasn't as open about it and didn't do it as often. He usually only climbed rocks and hills wherever he could find them. Amazing places to get some alone time. Alex liked hanging with the guy though. If Theo ever asked him to do something that got the heart pumping Alex would join without hesitation. Alex would also try his best to get some of Theo's moms cooking. Good food was good food and that is definitely something that Theo's mom made. If Theo ever said no to Alex's request for food Alex would offer to tutor Theo in math as an exchange. Alex then proceeded to observe Jarvis, which was Hugo Strange to Alex. This kid, from what he was told, had a lot of the same interest as Alex namely video games and comic books. This guy seemed to have more knowledge on Marvel and DC than Wikipedia. Alex would spend more time with the dude but didn't wan to risk getting into an argument about the comic book genre, because everyone knows it's impossible for two people to have the exact same view on every detail when it came to comic books. Next was Crass Rowley. He knows it's Cass but deliberately calls her Crass. Not to be mean or anything like that but because that is just how she acts. Alex knows she isn't unintelligent, but he still calls her Crass Rowley. The only reason he even spoke to the girl at all though was because they had similar friends. So he would at times go out of his way to be kind even if she wasn't. Unless she did something really bad, which hasn't happened yet, she would never be able to get anything that seemed unkind to come from Alex other than the nickname by which he calls her. Alex then looked to the person beside Crass which happened to be Ada, commonly called Jubilee by Alex for no real reason at all other than to be different. She was definitely different than Alex. While anyone other than those close to him would say Alex is shy no one would ever even think about calling Ada shy. She was outgoing and quite possibly knew more people now than Alex ever would. They didn't speak to each other that much due to being on opposites sides of the Introvert/Extrovert scale, but they got along well enough. Then the next inspection belonged to PI, a.k.a. Phillip. Alex didn't know much about him other than what Lizzy mentioned about him from time to time. He does know that the guy likes history which Alex wants to get into a conversation about with him one day since not that many people like history. Alex did wonder though why he had come. From what Lizzy and Ariel told him this guy did not like being around others so Alex had no idea why he would put himself near people who would be very-uhh-out there. When Alex's eyes landed on Wilhelm Scream, otherwise known as Jarek, Alex noticed the kid was doing the same exact thing as he was. Observing. Watching those around him and developing thoughts and ideas on the individuals. Despite it being the exact thing Alex was doing he didn't like that someone else was doing it to. That meant that he probably had some idea about Alex, and if he constantly watched like Alex did then that meant his eyes may notice what Alex doesn't want anyone to notice. Himself. Alex preferred to go as unseen as possible. He'd rather no one paid him any attention so that if he felt the need to he could just slip away without anyone even realizing it until minutes later. However, with someone who pays more attention then just to the most prevalent thing going on that would be hard to do. Alex didn't really have anything against Jarek, but felt that if anyone noticed something it would be him. And then last, but not least, because Alex preferred being considered least at most times, was Jamie. The only person in the room Alex had not met before a few seconds ago. It's usually hard to not make first impressions the main thing you look back to in terms of a person, but despite what Ariel told him about Jamie, Alex didn't like his attitude or demeanor. Alex didn't like people who were considered [i]'Playboy's'[/i] or those who seemed arrogant and cocky. It seemed as though that this was what the guy was. Alex would do his best not to be mean, but he made no promises yet. With his internal dialogue over Alex started paying attention to the happenings within the room. PI and Momma Jones had reemerged and said the first location was Sacramento. Not Alex's last choice, but certainly down on the list. When the topic changed to transportation Alex decided to let everyone else handle the issue since he was already set-up as luggage carrier. Then the bickering between PI and Crass Rowley started up again. Alex really wished they'd stop, but knew it was highly unlikely. When Lizzy spoke out though about the constant back-and-forth Alex felt like he should say something. He was the oldest and she was the youngest, yet it was always her being the adult. Each time she had to intervene on something Alex felt a little worse about the situation. Sure everyone in the little group had their individual roles and no one expected Alex to do anything, but shouldn't they. Really though, he was the oldest and quite possibly one of the least responsible. He always sat by and watched anytime an argument started. He rarely ever tried to stop an argument and maybe that should change, but not right now because jumping in now would only add more fuel to the flames. Talking to the two individually would probably be best. In fact he thought of a way to get some conversation in. His train of thought was dislodged though when Crass made an uncalled for remark. Really though the rumors were old and many had flushed them down the toilet to meet some fishes long ago. It seemed Crass was one of the few who kept pushing it for no reason other than to be a pest as Alex saw it. [color=cyan]"Come on Crass, PI. Don't make me be authoritative to. I don't really feel like it, but really let's just get on the road, and please no one say anything until the cars are moving down the road. And if we lack seating someone can ride with me in my truck. There would be room for one. I do have to say though that the ride would be pretty quiet. Offer is open to anyone who wants to take it though. I just recommend keeping Crass and PI in separate cars is all."[/color]