Tim's thoughts were interupted as he was approached by two guild members. Tim opened his mouth to say something, but then one of them suddenly stomped the ground, causing Tim to jump in his seat, startled by the sudden gesture, and let out a high pitched yelp. "Eep!" He nervously looked around to see if anyone noticed that... It didn't look anyone did. Then he saw the guy that had been introduced as Fisk had turned into a human/otter hybrid, and was lying on the ground in pain. The Water Mage perked up very quickly. His eyes went wide as he got out of his seat. "WOW!" He knelt down next to Fisk as he nursed an injured tail. "I'm Tim. Wow, I've never seen an animal person before! What's it like being part otter?!" He said rather excitedly. He soon realized that statement may have sounded rude, and felt bad about asking. "Oh... I'm sorry. You don't have to say if you don't want to... Here let me help with that. I'm a Water Mage..." He waved his hand, and it became surrounded in magical glowing water. Then Tim applied his hand to the injured tail. "Um... I'm kind of new at this, but... I can use water to heal. This should make you feel better..." Once he felt enough time had passed, he removed his hand, "Um... did... that work?"