[@BlackPanther] Astley smiles, "It's not rambling when the person you speak to enjoys it." Jaze cocks her head to the side and her eyes light up. [i][color=00aeef]Awww, that was sweet![/color][/i] Her soulmate stumbles a little over his words, "This may seem odd...but... How do you feel about...pixies?" Jaze has a confused expression, "I... A pixie?" [i][color=ed1c24]Oh great, this guy's a nut! He believes in fairies...[/color][/i] "Well," Jaze starts. [i][color=00aeef]You don't know anything, plus he said "pixies", not fairies.[/color][/i] "I didn't really think anything of them. They're creatures in fairy-tales, aren't they?" Jaze isn't sure why Astley is acting so strange about this question. Of course she doesn't believe in things like pixies, but it wouldn't bother her if her soulmate liked to believe things like that.