[quote=@malmshodes] So I've got an idea for a wild card villain, but just the very basic premise so far. First and foremost I'd like to know if an idea would be allowed and maybe get some advice on this one issue I'm having. Basically, his ability is he "levels up" when he faces an opponent, or some kind of major obstacle and when he does he gets access to new abilities he selects from a "Level tree". After every battle, he'll have the level for a predetermined amount of time, shorter for higher levels and vice versa, before he goes back down to zero. The biggest thing I have, and I know this can't really be answered since there's no knowledge of what the abilities are but I'm going to ask anyway, is when does he level up? Should it be simply based on the amount of movements during a confrontation, the strength of the enemy (which would involve a whole other system of categorization ), the amount of attacks he takes, etc, etc? [/quote] Sounds like this could be something similar to Marvel's Squirrel Girl. IDK quite how her powers work exactly, but the longer she faces enemies the stronger she gets or the weaker they become. Can't remember which... I can dig it though. ~KL~