Fitting in is never easy… It is not uncommon for an individual mortal to find themselves different and isolated, whether it is on occasion, or constantly. But, they're not the ones who suffer the worst of this feeling. No. It is those who were considered gods or monsters of old that have it the hardest. Those who are gifted with immortality and abilities that surpass human potential that feel the worst. They are the ones who are either persecuted, or receive the accursed standards and expectations that come with being exalted. They are also the ones who have the most difficulties maintaining any relationship, as they protect the world, or keep it in balance. Normally they would be in their own worlds away from the mortals, but those worlds are destroyed by a great force of darkness, and they now have to try and fit in with the mortals in their world as they fight against the very being that took their homes away. Who am I, you ask? I am one of the Three Sisters of Fate. That is all I will tell you about me, the rest is not for you to know. If you, who is reading this letter now, dare I will allow you to see, and even experience what it is like to be one of these people I have told you about. The choice is yours, but be forewarned, this is an important decision to make. Choose well. *~*~*OK! EXPLANATION TIME!*~*~* Basically, this rp centers around mythological people and beings trying to live everyday life while trying to fight a great evil and protect the mortal world while they're at it (of course, some of the characters are fighting the main antagonist out of revenge). I've left it open so that you could play a mortal if you wished, but it's not recommended for the first parts of this rp. The time setting will be around modern times. The time of cell phones and internet ^^".