Lyn's eyes grew wide in astonishment as she found herself suddenly straddling the naked girl. Instinctively, while she was in the air, her hand shot towards her waist, retrieving the concealed handgun. As the Think Tank's butt came to a rest on the mystery girl's stomach, the stranger found herself with the barrel of a old world piece of soviet technology pressed up against her lips. [color=a187be]"Pardon my manors..."[/color] she mused with a touch of pain in her voice. Lyn's free hand reached towards her neck, pulling off her hood and scarf with one swift motion. The ghastly black and blue bruises ran across her throat like patches of lava dotting a otherwise smooth plane. [color=a187be]"But me and my neighbors had a dispute a few days ago, so I would appreciate if you would be a bit more gentle with my neck."[/color] A light press to kiss the barrel of the gun to the girls nose later and it had vanished back into it's holster. Lyn flew gently to the side as the girl tossed her around yet again, with the Thinker now finding herself next to her new acquaintance , getting surprise snuggles and the whole nine yards. Lyn's cheeks flared up with the slightest hint of blush before she simmered them back down, shaking her head. Her lily-white hair cast over her pale face, her ethereal blue eyes gazing into Joy's sightline. [color=a187be]"Now that you seem to have me where you want me, can I at least get a name?"[/color]