[b][center][h1][color=92278f]TURN BACK[/color][/h1][/center][/b] Turn Back glared at Wraith even as he listened to Ditch yell at the two of them He fought to hold back the bile he desperately wished to spew at this little punk, especially given the parting jabs she took at him. The obviously fake apology and smile were too much though, and he growled back under his breath [color=92278f]"Well at least I can save [i]someone[/i], psycho."[/color] He said before turning to Ditch again. [color=92278f]"I have less than no idea how to fight mind control. Hell, I barely have an idea of how to fight darkness. But like I said, I can help the kid. I'll make the call, we can move him somewhere within an hour, probably. If we want him to stay here with Ditch till he wakes up and can tell us what he knows, then fine. But after that, he needs the safety we promised him."[/color] Turn Back nodded to Ditch, Omega, and Tank before stepping out of the warehouse again, pulling out his phone and dialing Emma. Barely a moment later, the phone picked up and Emma's clear voice rang into his ear: "Jason! I thought you were going to be home by now! What happened?! Are you hurt?!" [color=92278f]"Emma, I'm fine. Listen though, I have a... favor. It's about, uh... Business. We found a child. He's maybe 12 or so. He's cold and alone, he's scared. That, uh... That thing that I've been working with the others to get under control? Yeah, this kid came from there. We need to help him."[/color] There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line as Emma processed all that. Jason sighed and rubbed his temple with his free hand, inwardly cursing the sheer stupidity of the codes his desire to be vague had boxed him into. "Okay..." Emma finally said. "We, uh... I think we still have that air mattress, I can sleep on that... Do we have enough food? Is... Is it safe here?" [color=92278f]"Food's not an issue, I can take care of that. And you and I can take care of him. Look Emma, I'm sorry. This whole thing is so sudden, and I didn't want to drag you into--"[/color] "I'm setting everything up now. He'll have hot food and a place to sleep when you bring him home. Don't worry about dad either. I'll take care of everything Jason, just bring the both of you home safe." The line went dead and Jason sent up a silent prayer of thanks to his saint of a sister. He headed back into the warehouse and caught Ditch's eye. [color=92278f]"There's a place for him. A good one, where he'll be safe. Trust me, the girl taking care of him is an... Angel."[/color] He said, hoping Ditch would get the message. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, his hand brushing a foreign object. He sighed at the memory, he'd found Reaper's money clip after going back to scavenge the rest of the cash she'd thrown. He hated the thought of talking to her again, but she had seemed worried about it. Besides, he'd got some good information from it, as his thumb scanned across the engraved 'ZK' in the gold. Turn Back's eyes caught Reaper near the door, still keeping away from the child. Sighing again, Turn Back sucked it up and headed over to her, pulling the clip out of his pocket as he approached. [color=92278f]"Reaper. I found this. Thought you'd want it back."[/color] He said, holding out the money clip. He dropped his voice lower as he approached, so nobody else could hear. [color=92278f]"I wouldn't toss it around any more if I were you though. Might not be safest, if you know what I mean."[/color] He couldn't be 100% sure, but he had a feeling he knew who the girl in front of him was...