[color=OrangeRed] [center] [h1] Theodore Maxwell[/h1] [/center] [/color] [hr] As the bartender cocked his head to the side Theo did the same, wondering why the bartender would do such a thing. Maybe it was a drink that wasn't ordered very often or maybe he didn't know how to make it. Hearing him confirm the order the idea that bartender didn't know how to make it disappeared, Theo watching him make the drink closely quite interested to know what exactly was in what he had ordered. The tequila, vodka, and whiskey didn't bother him, but the last ingredient made Theo blink twice. [color=OrangeRed][i]"Tabasco sauce? Well, I see why my landlady likes it. Although by the amount, this looks like it going to rip my stomaching lining apart and burn going in ... and out. Oh well gotta drink it since I ordered it. This would explain why she refused to tell me what's in it. All she said was down it in one go."[/i] he thought as he watched the drink get made. As the drink was passed to him Theo looked at the bartender as he spoke, giving the man a smile as he warned him. [color=OrangeRed]"Oh well. I at least it will be an interesting trip."[/color] Theo said in a uncaring tone, as he picked the drink up and brought it to his mouth. Theo was about to take he's first gulp of his drink, but lowered it instead looking at the bartender for a second. [color=OrangeRed]"Hmmm, I getting the feeling I should pay you for this now ... not to mention that round."[/color]" Theo said setting the drink down. [color=OrangeRed]"This should cover everything, if not tell me next time I'm in here or if I still have a few brain cells left after this."[/color] Theo stated setting stack of hundreds he had coned out of Jack on the counter. Picking up the drink. Theo gave the bartender a thankful nod, knowing that if the bartenders warning was right he'd be flat on his ass very soon. Bring the drink to his mouth. Theo began to chug it, the first second being absolutely fine until the Tabasco kicked in. The second it did Theo eyes began to water, his tongue feeling like it was being dipped in magma. Despite this feeling Theo continued to chug, although it took quite a bit off effort to do so as his body natural instincts kept telling to get rid of the drink. By a mix of dumb luck and sheer force of will Theo managed to down the entire lot, placing the now empty glass it had been in on the bar. Theo eyes still watering, although the look in them was on of utter bliss. A little dark secret of Theo's showing itself as the young man loved feeling pain. Theo's mouth and stomach where burning so much it was actually hurting him. [color=OrangeRed]... burns ... it like ... in heaven... pain... good"[/color] he manged to work out of his burning mouth, finding it rather hard to get his mouth to move. In fact everything was starting to blur and none of his limbs wanted to respond when he wanted them to. A minute passed and Theo lost his balance falling and somehow managed to catch himself on the bar. Was it a minute? Was was two or three? Could it have been 6 or 9? Theo wasn't sure, as the ability was shattered into a thousand little pieces. It took another few minutes for the burning to fade, Theo looking a little sad as it did. Looking at the bartender with glassy eyes, Theo trying to speak but all the came out was garbled mess of noise. Letting going for the bar for a reason unknown Theo feel to the floor, the young man now way too drunk to even care or feel it. Laying on the floor Theo merely looked up the ceiling glassy eyed, Theo currently lacking the ability to control his limbs. [@Sarcelle Renard]