[color=gray][h1]Lena[/h1][/color] By the end of the flight, Lena was ready to tear her ears off. The last time she had been around this many people was over twenty years ago, and the change was quite a shock. Not only was everyone talking, but there were babies crying, children yelling, and music blaring from somewhere at the back of the plane. [color=gray][i]What a bunch of ass holes.[/i][/color] Her headphones were not doing much to block the noise out, either. As soon as they touched down, she was out of her seat with her bags before the other passengers could even stand up. She made her way through the airport with her head down and a single earbud in, hoping to avoid the larger crowds. It didn't take long for that plan to go south. They were probably among the loudest at the airport, and there were only five of them there. One of them was huge, both in height and brawn. The rest were a bit more average-looking, depending on your definition of average. If Lena had to take a guess, she would suppose that this is the group she was there to meet. It took all of her willpower not to completely avoid them. After observing for a while, Lena begrudgingly joined the gathering without speaking. She arrived just in time to watch one of them, a girl, jump on the brawny one, with some sort of exclamation. Lena heard the name 'Oskar' and concluded that the big one was he. [color=gray]"Should have known someone who would go by the name of 'Undying' would look like that."[/color] She mumbled, almost to herself.