Tempers still smoldered, embers that burned bright and hot looking to catch any source that would rekindle the argument. Despite that it seemed as though Turn Back and Wraith were sufficiently doused that they backed off with little more than snide jabs under their breaths, the actual words lost to those outside the small space between them. Reaper’s eyes still followed them, seeing their mouths move as they parted. Children. Under her eyes she rolled her mask before turning her attention back to the others. “I think it’s suffice to say aside from taking care of the kid we’ve done all we can chatting until he wakes up,” The elemental stated, before tilting her head watching Turn Back leave once more. She shook her head. “The answers we received only caused more questions. For now what can we do but keep our eyes peeled to find out more info? That or track down one of Umbra's cronies ourselves. Besides, it’s late – I have class tomorrow. Who knows what [i]you[/i] guys have to do on a Tuesday?” Reaper briefly toyed with the idea of backing Omega up on Ditch getting some sleep but ended up forgoing it. Ditch was a grown woman, and to be honest she looked ready to pass out anyway. That or completely demolish five pots of coffee and see into forever. Too bad that wasn’t the energy wielder’s power, she’d provide the caffeine herself. Turn Back returning interrupted Reaper’s trailing thoughts and she tilted her head towards him. It seemed he had taken the initiative of preparing his home for the child, making Reaper huff under her mask. It was probably better though, considering the similarities her powers had to the kid’s main aggressor. She had already scared the white off him once. Her brow did raise when Turn Back approached her, her stiff body language tensing up further. Her hopes that this wouldn’t turn into another argument were quickly settled and she silently took the gold money clip from the other vigilante, though she grimaced as soon as his words settled in her head. She only briefly glanced at the engraved initials on the front before pulling another clip out of her back pocket, a similar gold but different in design and with no letters across the front. “Duly noted,” Reaper rumbled lowly as she switched the contents from one to another, keeping her words short despite wanting to yank her own hair out. Stupid, stupid. There was a reason she had been concerned about it – but her anger had her abandoning the thought until she went back the next day to find it all cleaned up. She had actually hoped someone in the neighborhood had picked it up and pawned it, rather than Umbra’s minions finding it. She honestly wasn’t sure if that or Turn Back retrieving it was worse. She really didn’t like the idea of him knowing – or at least having a clue on who she was. Still, breathing a little sigh of relief Reaper finally focused her blackened eyes on the other vigilante. “… Thanks.” Changing her finger’s movements she pulled a few of the transferred bills, a shadow tentacle grabbing Turn Back’s hand to lift it once more for Reaper to slap them in his palm. “And here, for the kid. I’m sure you know I can afford it.” The last part was dry, her quickly withdrawing though a little frown tugged at her lips. Considering that Turn Back had the kid he’d be in the most danger, and may need back up at a moment’s notice… “Hey,” Reaper added on, raising her voice so the others could hear. “Get your phones out if you want my number. Just… I’m not expecting any social calls.” She waited a moment before rattling off her number, her fingers unconsciously brushing against the back of it in her pocket, where it was waiting on an empty texting field. She really should send that message. “And if I find that number on craigslist’s missed connections I’m going to kill one of you.”