Matthew first spoke to the Pegasus knight who had just given her name. "I'm Matthew, Tactician and leader of the Shepherds." He told doing his best to give a bow without standing up. The Tactician decided rest would simply come to him, so he rubbbed his eyes and sat up more so, shifting himself a little. He spoke next to Heather next, giving a yawn as he streched. "No need to call me, Lord. I'm an orphan, even if I did claim my families last name it wouldn't mean much. My cousin recieved all the lands and titles they held, Saya is about closet thing I have to family. Even still, I'm a ward of Ylisse meaning that the Exalt cared for me and paid my way. In exhchange wards generally become a high end very well trainservant or soldier. I become a tactician, Saya was actually the one who got my the chance to take the exams." He explained as he was about to ask her if she still wanted to ask questions the cart stopped. [hr] Genna nodded as out near the road the soldiers moved a broken cart, carefully arranging a wreckage to look convincing they added cuts and burn where needed to make it look savage. After that they retreated back in to the forests along the sides of the road, they were concealed expertly, they were trained. Better than the wild zealous peasents Bern stirred up to die for the cause, they must have mercenaries or proper soldiers from one of the Churches supporting nation. Genna worked up some fake tears and got some dye on her hands before going to lay by the wreckage making groaning noises. Wagon's bearing Ylissian seal's were approaching the trap would soon be sprung. [hr] As the wagon's stopped, the Tactian tried to stand up and pear of the top of the wagon to get a view. Sadly his height, or lack there of stopped him from seeing clearing. So hoping out of the wagon, he looked to the others. "Alright everyone off for moment, keep close to the wagons and keep them safe." The drivers hopped down and began to pet and feed the horse's pulling them. Matthew meanwhile was walking towards the wreckage. "Jerod, Heather, come with me. Let's go see what happened over by the wagons, the rest of you eyes open this is could be a trap." With that the Champion of Naga walked right towards the light prodigy and one of her soldiers.