[quote=@Demonic Angel] [@May]question. What is Helena able to do without her glasses. Sorry about the breaking them. Toss of the coin. [/quote] Haha it's cool. I ain't mad. And while Helena is, she's mad at Fate about it, not Keri or any one person. As for what she can do? Most things still I would assume. Just things like seeing where shes going and such might be a problem and all. Things passed about four or five inches from her face are blurry, but she can somewhat see them find as long a they don't go past arm's reach. Anything outside of arms reach is sorta blobish. She can tell what things are, but that's from years of trying to see without thn, just in case. Because you know, not the first pair of her glasses to be broken or lost >.> She just doesn't do well in unfamiliar places. You know, like a magic school she's never been to before.