"It taste like the forgiven sky fruits." A smirk on her features, Raven began to back off after Ditch snapped at her. She reminded her of Kaite a little, the woman would stay up for days making music and snap at anyone who had the gull to try and remove a instrument from her grasp. Still, she couldn't help but tap her finger against the container, a sound leaving her pocket at the offer. She shouldn't be messing with her in a time like this, she was stressed, they all were. TB and Wraith were snapping at each other, causing the woman to shift a bit, reaching for the book at her side to make sure it was there, and tapping her cane to gain a comforting sound. Well, least they came to a stand still, a agreement of sorts. Quietly listening to the conversations, she found herself poking Manny away with her cane, trying to figure out if he would drift when she realized that he was using gravity. How one is able to use their powers so casually is beyond her, she was tempted to call the Grim herself though, she wanted something to feel. But the idea of the kid waking up only to see a beast of nightmares was keeping her away from the action. "I wonder what Umbra is after, he has to have a plan for each vigilant that he's captured. I can only imagine how many super's he's attained incognito....." A shiver running down her spine, she shook her head. "Forgive me, that is a grim topic, I'll grow silent." Her ears turning red underneath her hood, Raven decided to just fumble with her hands. What else was she supposed to do? She can't help the kid other than give money, and there was little she could do with researching, she had no where to start. TB coming back and explaining how the child had a place to sleep, was enough to get a sigh to escape her. "Thats good..do you need assistance?" Tilting her head, she couldn't help but smile at the mention of a angel. Guess whoever it was, was close to the team-mate, there was a slight fondness in his voice that he couldn't hide. "Here" pulling out her second phone, she began to share her number. "I'll be ending the line on this one in about a month though. So don't be surprised if it starts working." Only Manny and Ditch had her actual number, tiny steps, one by one. If everyone knew her number she would not have been able to sleep at night. "Your right, I have to be training early tomorrow. I guess everyone's lives are going to be a bit sluggish for a while."