Tamara looked at Ralph and her tail wagged a little on his comment. It was weird to hear him in her head and when Xaven said to hunt and stretch her muscles she looked at him. [color=aba000]~We will do so I guess~[/color] Tamara thought and then looked at Ralph. Suddenly she felt playful and bumped her head against him and wanted to run of yet she tripped and fell. [color=aba000]~ Right... Four legs ~[/color] she thought and looked at Ralph. She got up slowly and tried to walk a few steps. [color=aba000]~ This sure is a new thing.. It'd weird...[/color] she said but kept walking normally around and then walked to the little stream of water. She bowed down and looked at her reflection. [color=aba000] ~ I guess that I have to drink like Angel does.. ~[/color] she said and looked at Ralph. Then she lowered her head and started to drink water. Vanessa was very happy to see Xaven and when he had gotten rid of the two wolves she opened the door already and smiled when he called for her. She actually ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him. "So glad you are back!" She said and looked at him. "Wait.. do you understand what I say ?" She asked and grinned. [color=aba000] ~Nice to meet you ~[/color] Vanessa then thought and looked at the female The female nodded and looked at Marcus. She trotted away to some bushes and changed back. "This talks better" the female said and smiled. She changed into her dress that Marcus had gave her. "We returned because we both heard the screams of a new wolf and Marcus wanted to check.." She said. She came back and smiled. She was a blond haired women, not older than 34 years old. Marcus did the same and would return ten minutes later wearing a old jeans. Lesley had come out now too and stood next to Drake, actually she leaned against him a little. "I smelled Xaven and Ralph near the screams so let them do what they did.. When we wanted to travel on, I saw those two run wild and we followed them.. That caused us to be here again" he said. "Well you are free to stay the night" Vanessa said. "That is very nice of you Miss" The female said. "Please say Vanessa" Vanessa said. "My name is Mary.. Miss Vanessa" Mary said. "She will call you Miss because you're a alpha Vanessa" Marcus said. "Aaahhh.. Okay" Vanessa said and then looked at Xaven. [color=a36209]~ Why don't you and Drake gof to the garden, change and get inside the house so you can put some clothes on~ [/color] Vanessa suggested and Drake nodded. He liked that idea.