[img=http://i.imgur.com/sGTUbek.png] Sethan shook the hand of his old acquaintance and chuckled at his jokes. There was no harm in being friendly with your co-workers, and Atticus was an amiable fellow if nothing else. Demons were something of a mystery to Sethan, as he hadn't any recollection of encountering them prior to his re-awakening. Normally he would attribute this to his spotty memory, but he had memories of dealings with Djinni, fiery beings from the east that were vaguely similar in description, and so the lack of demons were rather anomalous. More mysteries of the world to unravel, he supposed. Still, he did wish a bit that the man would not touch him so casually. Sethan said nothing about it, but was still mildly annoyed and slightly disgusted by the man laying his hands on him without invitation. Atticus introduced him to a Mr. Makarov, the balding man he had noticed before. He was just as pitiful a creature up close, and Sethan was now acutely aware of the man's undead nature. A better make than the common zombie, but still an inferior revival to Sethan's own divine rebirth. Though he couldn't judge Makarov too much; not everybody could be as great as Sethan. Atticus clearly had quite a few other people to deal with, and so he would humor the demon by chatting up this wight and keep out of his hair for a short while. Judging by the others that continued to arrive, he would need all of the patience he could muster. The man truly had a talent for assembling such pitiful creatures. Sethan himself excluded, naturally. "Я приятно тебе себя," Sethan made an attempt to greet the man in his shoddy Russian, and held out his heavily-jeweled hand to be shaken. "I am Sethan, Son of Ra, Ruler of Souls, Twelfth in my dynasty." He felt a slight tinge of self-satisfaction from not demanding that the man refer to him as King. "Now, what is this I hear about gold? I should think there is quite much to tell, as you already seem to be a man after my own heart," He lowered his voice, just quiet enough for only Makarov to hear him. "Unbeating, as it may be."