[center][h1][b][color=9966cc]Jamie Wolfe[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12558936_880928978672661_961591212_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MDgxOTg2MTI5NDE4MzU1OA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Damn, James was enjoying this already and they hadn't even gotten out the house yet. People were so fun to fuck with and at the moment, Cass was doing a hell of a job at it. It kind of looked like Lizzy got sucker punched by Cass' words, her expression was priceless. James doubted there was a more sensitive nerve that his partner in evil could have struck. Lizzy immediately denied any attraction towards Phil, this guy was so far into the friend-zone he was like a brother to her. Jamie couldn't help but to laugh a little when she called it "sexual activities." [color=9966cc]"Jesus Liz, you sounds like a nun. [i]I don't engage in pre-marital sexual activities, I am a pure Christian.[/i]"[/color] He imitated this in his best nun impersonation. Then he heard that she was still a virgin, which he hadn't expected. [color=9966cc]"Oh but uh, I mean, waiting is cool I guess. Less fun, but cool I guess."[/color] Cass accepted his bet and Jamie grinned, devilish glint in his eyes back once again. [color=9966cc]"I got it, loser has to streak in one of the towns we go to."[/color] Then, Wolfe had the best idea ever. [color=9966cc]"Oh shit! Brainstorm! I vote we go skinny dipping at some point. That's on my bucket list, right under fucking on a boat. I've done it on or in most other vehicles but bangin' on a boat has been the most difficult by far honestly. Mostly 'cuz I don't have a friggin' boat."[/color] After James had called shotgun, Phil asked if he could tag along, ugh, way to put a damper on things. [color=9966cc]"I mean, as long as you and Liz don't make out in the back I'm cool with it. And if you fuck in the backseat, like, give me a warning man. I don't wanna look back and see you're white ass going to town. Oh and bring a towel, it'd be awfully rude if you stained Ari's seats."[/color] Alex, who had practically been a ghost while everyone had been talking back and forth, finally spoke up. James didn't really know much about the guy, but he seemed like a party-pooper with the "settle down children," attitude he had. Maybe he was the Dad to Lizzy's Mom. [color=9966cc]"Are all of you guys gonna complain this whole trip? Live a little for fucks sake. Let everyone do their own shit and let's have a good time, it's a pretty simple concept."[/color] Jamie was getting bored of just sitting around, could they hurry it up already? [color=9966cc]"Okay peeps. Everyone ready? I'm sick of sitting around, I've got a lot of places to see and people to do. I'm a busy guy ya know."[/color]