[quote=@Shorticus] I'm willing to present the same character, and I can post 1/week as before. It sounds like you're focusing more on the Iron Kingdoms specifically, though that's not a terrible thing for me. [/quote] Kind of always was, really, so it won't be any different from what you remember. [quote=@Shorticus] Would you want my character to walk in with a clean slate (I.E. the adventures that she got started on before the first thread poofed)? Would you want me to assume part of that storyline was still true / had happened (robbing secrets from a dark lord's castle)? I'm cool with either. [/quote] Safiyya filled a niche that we needed in the previous game, so I wouldn't jump right to completely recycling her. So for the moment, I'll just say that it's good to see you back, and feel free to continue to draft character concepts. [quote=@Jerkchicken] Might be cool [/quote] I sure hope so.