[quote=@The Kid Lantern] [@Archmage MC] The main reason I don't like the idea of this character comes from the fact 75% of the CS is a long ass powers list with 30 powers when including the 24 bullet points for Toon Physics. I can't accept this anymore than I could an Iron Man knockoff with 30 abilities in a suit of armor. It's way too much and uses elements from too many different power sets, and when it takes 24 bullet points to explain all the things included in one power... it gives me a headache trying to wrap my mind around it all. It's like when somebody has telepathy but then has two dozen applications for the power. I don't want that in the game anymore than I do a Deadpool knockoff who breaks the fourth wall. ~KL~ [/quote] [@Archmage MC] This is what he said. I see nowhere in there him saying he rejected someone with those abilities. He was using it as an example purely. What I get from this is the fact that your power list is too long. She is able to do too much. If that means she needs to be C-level, then so be it, join the rest of us who have limited power usage. But again, this is something you need to ask KL about, because this is not my game. I am sure he'll poke you when he gets on. Or PM him. Either or and then you can figure out where to go from there.