[color=sienna][center][h3]Philip Howard Iverson[/h3][/center][/color][hr] Insufferable pricks. Total douchebags. Worthless sacks of radioactive waste. Humanity's greatest accidents. God's greatest mistakes. Accidental blights upon the timeline of life. At least he wasn't thinking about [i]those two[/i] sitting down next to each other and ma- Shit. He refused to let himself think of that, or him and Lizzy in the same state. It was a nice fantasy, but naught but one, and thinking of it would bring no gain, only pain. Philip briefly wondered if they were religious. Or, if they really loved their parents- he could think up all sorts of pleasing, yet vicious, remarks to make about them. Ooooh, he wanted to rip them a new one, to tear into them like a hyena would a carcass, as a swarm of stereotypical piranhas would a hunk of meat. But as everyone finished and stopped speaking, Philip looked at everyone, giving half of them that blank look, Lizzy and Ariel that vaguely fond-ish look that was probably twenty steps up from his normal blankness, and giving Jamie and Cass that very quietly said, straight from the depths of his eyes, [i]I will murder you in your fucking sleep[/i]. But he held out his hands in a calming gesture, all pleasant and slight smiles, as if nothing in the world was wrong, as he prepared his reply. [color=sienna]"Can you two please stop? All you're doing is ruining this trip, because, sure, it's a laugh or some shit for you two, but it'll just ruin this entire thing for me and Lizzy- because we are [i]not[/i] going at it like Jamie would. So show a little respect, would you? I mean, I know it might kill you too, but you always love a challenge, right? At least you do, Cass. So I challenge you to not make a single snide remark regarding Lizzy and I 'doing' each other. I'll give you fifty bucks if you can last two days. Or are you too weak-minded and with so little control that you can't manage that simple thing?"[/color] He was goading them- or at least, Cass- intentionally, trying to appeal to her... pride? Something in there, hopefully. He wasn't entirely sure if there was anything of worth inside Cass, but he knew that things could always change, or there could be more. But holy shit, he wanted to punch the assholes in the face.