[@Dynamo Frokane][@Takashi] Ryoki noted down the drinks and smiled at the two kindly and cutely, something she didn't do often. "Okay! A white wine spritzer for the customer and a sparkling water for the dealer! Anything else?" If anything else was to be ordered, Ryoki would write it down before heading over to the bar. As soon as she was out of sight, Ryoki's heart began to slow down. [i]'Woo! I feel so accomplished right now!'[/i] With a joyful grin, Ryoki strolls over to the bar and places the order unto the orders "rack", as they called it, before making her way to another part of the casino, taking in more orders. Orders would come in, and drinks would come out: that was the way things rolled. It was a swift process, with customers often getting their drinks within a few minutes of ordering on a popular day, the process often being a lot quicker than in other casinos and bars due to the fact the staff all worked fast. The science behind it was all really simple: the more intoxicated you can make the customer, the better. It was only a matter of minutes before Ryoki had returned to the blackjack table at which Yutaro was dealing, and, as expected, her approach was rather unique. Jacques would feel a strange [i]pressure[/i] pressing against his back; a squishy yet firm set pressed against his back, as arms reach around his neck and set two glasses on to the blackjack table before him. "One white wine spritzer, and one sparkling water, for the two most [i]handsome[/i] young men in the casino tonight~." Ryoki smiles and leans back as she delivers the drinks, now uncertain as to what it is she should do now, and for a moment it showed, although it was only a moment. "Is there anything else I can help you with, gentlemen?" She asks, her heart silently hoping she could stay, even though she knew it probably wouldn't be for too long assuming she could...